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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyNew suppressive restrictions imposed on Ashraf residents

New suppressive restrictions imposed on Ashraf residents

Lion and Sun official symbol of the NCRINCRI – Following yesterday’s remarks by Mouwaffaq al-Rubaie, Iraqi National Security Advisor, to transfer residents of Ashraf, members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), to deserts in southern and western Iraq, he has ordered new suppressive restrictions against Ashraf residents since this morning.

Following are new directives:
1- Camp Ashraf remains close to outside world except for workers. They also face restrictions and many of them are turned away;

2- Entry of Iraqi lawyers of Ashraf residents to the Camp is banned. Entry of foreign lawyers and delegations has been banned since long time ago;

3- Entry for women of any nationality is banned;

4- Entry of all vehicles except with an Iraqi license plate are banned;

5- New constructions and renovations of standing buildings in Ashraf is banned;

6- Entry of construction materials is banned;
7- Wearing a uniform is banned;

8- Carrying any kind of video recorder and cameras by Ashraf residents is forbidden.

The above mentioned restrictions are imposed while the entrance building to Camp Ashraf, with hundreds of residents, has been cordoned off for the past 17 days.

The Iranian Resistance once again warns against ominous objectives of the religious fascism ruling Iran to create a human catastrophe in Ashraf through Iraqi forces.

It calls on the U.S. President, the U.S. government, UN Secretary General and the Security Council, relevant international organizations and in particular the International Committee of the Red Cross for their immediate intervention to prevent the massacre of Ashraf residents.

In a letter to the U.S. President, the "International Committee In Search of Justice", encompassing 2,000 parliamentarians from Europe and North America, wrote that the only way to prevent the catastrophe is for the U.S. forces to accept the responsibility of protecting Ashraf residents and return of the situation to pre-January 2009.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 28, 2009