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Mullahs’ regime’s lies to justify inhumane siege on Camp Ashraf and criminal attacks

Les agents du Vevak installant des haut-parleurs puissants à l'entrée d'Achraf avec l'aide des forces irakiennesNCRI – The Iranian regime, its media and agents in Iran and in Iraq have resorted to a new wave of lies to justify cruel siege and inhumane pressures against Camp Ashraf and lay the ground work for a new attack. This follows the revelation of the regime’s plots to launch a new massacre in Ashraf and widespread disgust among Iraqis, especially in Diyala province, against the regime’s suppressive measures against Ashraf.

Mehr news agency, affiliated to the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), in a fabricated news quoted unidentified people described as “security and political officials of Diyala province in Iraq” and said that the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) “is trying to create havoc in this country” and helps “armed groups, especially Al-Qaeda” and “is involved in all military operations in Diyala province.” The news agency made a ridiculous claim saying that the PMOI “has been involved in sectarian sedition in this province” and then called for “expulsion of the PMOI from Iraq.”

These lies are fabricated while the responsibility of protection of Ashraf residents have been handed over to the Iraqi forces since the beginning of 2009 and an inhumane siege has been imposed on them and none of them are allowed to go out of the camp. It is only the suppressive forces controlled by prime minister’s office that can enter Ashraf. These forces have been creating obstacles for Ashraf residents to have access to medical services and prevent entry of essential goods into Ashraf that have been purchased by the camp residents. On August 29, four containers carrying essential goods for the residents, which included refrigerators and freezers, were sent away by the suppressive forces after waiting for several days at the entrance of Ashraf to be allowed into the camp.

The Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in its statements on August 25 and 26 reported about the Iraqi forces being put on alert to launch attack on Ashraf, deployment of armed forces and armored vehicles inside the camp, blocking of one of the roads used by the camp’s inhabitants and beating two of them by officers of the Iraqi army intelligence. The US and the UN were called upon to guarantee protection of Ashraf residents as ‘Protected Persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.’

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 30, 2010