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Mullahs’ regime opposes transfer of Ashraf residents to third countries

Camp Ashraf military occupation- No 101

NCRI – While the mullahs’ regime, as the godfather of Iraqi government and the owner of Iraq’s sovereignty, calls on Maliki to expel the PMOI from Iraq, it vehemently condemns their transfer to third countries as “western countries’ support for terrorist groups”.

The spokesman for the mullahs’ foreign ministry said in this regard, “We ask the Americans to live up to their commitments (against terrorism)” and “we strongly condemn the western countries which seek to support terrorist activities in various ways and make their countries a safe haven for their presence and activities”. At the same time the mullahs’ spokesman praised Maliki’s “firm decision and resolute will” for expelling the PMOI from Iraq. ( Mullahs’ state run TV- May 10)

Regarding this same issue, Danaifar, the mullahs’ ambassador to Baghdad and known agent of the terrorist Quds Force, said on behalf of the Iraqi government: If the PMOI do not leave Iraq by the end of current Christian year, “the Iraqi government will enforce its sovereignty in that place through all possible ways and methods” (Habilian website affiliated with the mullahs’ Intelligence ministry- May 9).

This double game by the religious fascism ruling Iran, as experienced in the massacre of political prisoners in 1988, shows clearly that the faltering regime of mullahs is satisfied with nothing less than the total massacre of the PMOI and annihilation of the democratic alternative, considering it as a requisite for its survival.

Ahmadinejad, the mullahs’ president, specified yesterday in Istanbul, “the terrorist group… was fully supported by the US government and its European allies.” (Mullahs’ state run TV- May 9)

Being fully aware of common fate of the mullahs’ regime and the regimes of Syria and Qaddafi, Ahmadinejad added, “there is a concern that the West’s support for the dissidents in Syria would broaden the range of tension and turmoil to even Europe…the situation in Libya has also become complicated because of the involvement of some countries in war with the government of this country. Doubtless, if NATO was after understanding and dialogue between the people and the government (Qaddafi) instead of military intervention, the situation would have improved.” (Mullahs’ news agency- May 9)

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 10, 2011