Mullahs’ regime establishes new station for psychological torture in Ashraf

Camp Ashraf military occupation– No. 95

Increasing number of loudspeakers to 280 (See all speaker)

NCRI – On Saturday, May 4, with the support of Iraqi armed forces, the Iranian regime’s intelligence operatives established a new station for the psychological torture of Ashraf residents, located at the occupied section of the camp. This new site is north of Ashraf’s main road (Street 100) and through installing 40 new loudspeakers they have raised the total number of loudspeakers installed around the camp in various locations to 280.


Therefore, a part of Ashraf that was occupied during the brutal April 8th attack carried out by Iraqi forces under the order of Maliki has now become the ‘playing grounds’ for Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) elements to expand their psychological torture on Ashraf residents. Continuing for the past 15 months in Ashraf’s western, southern and eastern flanks, on Tuesday this psychological torture campaign spread to Ashraf’s northern section.

On May 1, Iraqi forces transferred and installed one of Ashraf’s security watchtowers from the northern part of the camp to the occupied area, placing it at the disposal of MOIS agents. Furthermore, they installed 40 new loudspeakers yesterday on the pillars of the watchtower.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 4, 2011

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