Mullahs’ Gestapo agent meets with Kobler on fate of PMOI members

Allowing mullahs’ regime meddling in dossier of Liberty and Ashraf residents is a criminal act that merits judicial prosecution
Joint investigation by Pentagon and U.S. Congress on the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence and Security when pointing to three agents of clerical fascism Gestapo Ibrahim Khodabandeh, Masoud Khodabandeh, and a woman Anne Singleton states that the two brothers had formerly been members of the PMOI but “In 1996 Masoud Khodabandeh decided to leave the organization.

Later, he married Anne Singleton. Soon after their marriage, MOIS forced them to cooperate by threatening to confiscate Khodabandeh’s mother’s extensive property in Tehran. Singleton and Khodabandeh then agreed to work for MOIS and spy on MEK. In 2002 Singleton met in Tehran with MOIS agents who were interested in her background… she received training from MOIS. After her return to England, she launched the Web site in the winter of 2002… In 2004 Singleton finally met her brother-in-law, Ibrahim, who was sent from Syria to Iran after the Syrians arrested him. Eventually, MOIS forced him to cooperate as well.”
Investigations by Pentagon and U.S. Congress stipulates: “The Iranian government considers Mojahedin-e-Khalq to be the organization that most threatens the Islamic Republic of Iran. One of the main responsibilities of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security is to conduct covert operations against Mojahedin-e-Khalq and to identify and eliminate its members.”
Ibrahim Khodabandeh is the agent that the Iranian regime news agency ISNA had quoted him as saying: “I had a meeting with the UN representative Mr. Kobler in Iraq where he said that they have talked with around 100 members of PMOI in Camp Liberty and asked them if they want to leave the organization. They replied that they do not wish to leave and want to stay with the PMOI. I told him are you sure that those people that you talked to even know what it means to be outside the organization? Someone who has been in Ashraf for 20 years can have no idea of how it is to be outside the organization and that someone that for 20 years in his mind a hellish impression about outside the organization has been formed clearly cannot leave the organization with just a 10 minute chat.”
Martin Kobler’s discussion with agents of Iranian regime’s Gestapo on the fate of Iranian refugees is a criminal act and a flagrant violation of Refugee Law that may be judicially prosecuted.
Previously, the Iranian Resistance has frequently warned Mr. Kobler, including declaring on 7 May 2012  concurrent with his trip to Tehran, that allowing any meddling of the Iranian regime in the fate of PMOI members is “a violation of many international treaties”.
On 11 May, the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran declared: “On 8 May, agents of mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence “under the banner of Nejat Association, met with Mr. Martin Kobler in Hotel Laleh and demanded the extradition of a group of Ashraf residents to the mullahs’ regime… The SRSG also met a number of MOIS agents under the guise of families of Ashraf residents and has discussed the issue of families of Ashraf and Liberty residents with representatives of International Committee of Red Cross in Tehran.”
Previously on 24 April 2012, Maliki’s Security Advisor speaking to Al-Iraqiya state television upon his return from Tehran and his meeting with Solaymani, Chief of the terrorist Quds Force, had stated: “Mr. Martin Kobler… has talked in details with Iraqi and Iranian parties through the Iranian Embassy or other channels communicating with Iran in order to provide the requirements for implementation of the understanding which has been agreed on between him and Iraq to close Camp Ashraf and put an end to the presence of this organization on Iraqi territory during the current year. Talks included the mechanisms and Iran’s role in what has to be done to solve this matter.”
Moreover, on 7 October 2012, Danaifar, the Iranian regime’s ambassador to Iraq and a commander of the Quds Force, made the following remarks on Iraq’s state television: “Today, I had a meeting in Baghdad with the UN representative Mr. Kobler who is responsible for this dossier. We talked in detail on the issue and our expectations were brought up in this meeting.” On 22 and 24 January 2012, mullahs’ ambassador had reported on similar discussions.
A senior UNAMI official who has resigned testified under oath before a hearing at the U.S. Congress on September 13, 2012: “I do confirm here in front of you that UNAMI has no independence whatsoever. That every issue dealt with regarding Ashraf is decided at the prime minister’s office and sometimes at the Iranian embassy in Baghdad.”
On 19 October 2012, the International Committee in Search of Justice wrote to the Secretary-General on this subject: “Discussions with the Iranian regime regarding its opposition members… is itself a criminal act.”
The International Committee in Search of Justice accentuated: “The SRSG’s communications with the Iranian regime’s representative in regard to the Iranian opposition will have devastating security implications and would pave the road for a third massacre of the residents that would have legal implications for the UN and the SRSG.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 7, 2013

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