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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyMohsen Ansari, a resident of Camp Ashraf, passed away due to obstructions...

Mohsen Ansari, a resident of Camp Ashraf, passed away due to obstructions made by al-Maliki’s forces in having access to medical services

Camp Ashraf military occupation- No. 135

  • Call on U.S., Europe and U.S. for compelling Iraq to lift the siege or transfer patients and the injured abroad

Mohsen Ansari, a PMOI member in Camp Ashraf and a former political prisoner during Khomeini’s era, passed away on Thursday morning August 18 after many years of suffering from MS (multiple sclerosis). His death was an outcome of hindrances made by the forces under the command of Nouri al-Maliki against Ashraf residents’ access to specialized doctors and medical services.  

Mohsen Ansari joined the PMOI 31 years ago. He spent three years in early 80s in the mullahs’ regime’s prisons and dungeons. In 1987, he was injured on his leg and arm by the criminal Revolutionary Guards having him suffer from its pain until his death.


For the past two and a half years, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian resistance, and Ashraf residents have repeatedly asked for the intervention of U.S. government and forces and the United Nations to end the inhumane medical siege against Ashraf and to make it possible for the residents to have free access to specialized doctors and hospitals and medical services in Iraq. Nevertheless, the Iranian regime and the Government of Iraq seek to torture to death the patients and the injured in Ashraf by way of denying Ashraf access to medical services. At least six of the injured in April 8th attack and four patients have lost their lives during past few months due to the imposed medical siege.

Because of the medical siege imposed on Camp Ashraf, the Ashraf residents asked the UN and UNAMI in November 2009 to transfer Mohsen Ansari and a number of other terminally-ill patients abroad. Despite continued follow-ups, none of the 52 patients in the list had the chance to leave Iraq.

On the other hand, the NCRI had asked the French government several times since January 2010 to allow Mohsen Ansari, who had been a refugee in France, to return to France for treatment, but this request was rejected too.

Emphasizing that the Government of Iraq and Nouri al-Maliki are responsible for the death of Mohsen Ansari and other injured and patients of Ashraf, the Iranian Resistance asks the UN, the U.S. and the EU again to either compel the Government of Iraq to end its tyrannical siege or transfer the injured or terminally ill patients outside Iraq.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

August 18, 2011