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Maryam Rajavi’s warning to EU, U.S. and UN regarding unceasing attempts by mullahs’ regime to fail the peaceful solution to Ashraf crisis

International Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels
Maryam Rajavi’s warning to EU, U.S. and UN regarding unceasing attempts by mullahs’ regime to fail the peaceful solution to Ashraf crisis
EU, U.S. and UN should actively and immediately intervene to prevent turning of Camp Liberty into a prison
Call on EU and U.S. to urgently admit a number of patients and injured of Ashraf residents

NCRI – On Tuesday, February 7, in an international conference at the European parliament in Brussels with the presence of prominent U.S. and European figures and senior members of the European parliament from various political groups, it was disclosed that at the behest of the Iranian regime, the Iraqi government is attempting to turn Camp Liberty, the new location in the suburb of Baghdad where Ashraf residents have agreed to relocate to, into a prison.

Jim Higgins, member of the European Parliament presided over the meeting. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi,  the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance; Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Vice President of the European parliament; Struan Stevenson, President of Delegation for Relations with Iraq of the European Parliament; Howard Dean, former Chairman of the U.S. Democratic Party; John Bruton, former Prime Minister of Ireland and former EU Ambassador to U.S.; Patrick Kennedy, U.S. Congressman (1995-2011); and Senator Robert Torricelli (1997-2003), were among speakers to this intercontinental conference.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the keynote speaker to the event said, “EU, U.S. and UN should actively and immediately intervene to prevent turning of Camp Liberty into a prison”.

Mrs. Rajavi emphasized: “As we have declared time and again, we are still committed to a relocation to Liberty and are just demanding the minimum assurances in the new camp; namely observing the dignity, humanity of the residents, their freedom of movement, enjoying a secure and violent-free environment, right to property to their belongings and vehicles,  respect to internationally recognized human rights and humanitarian standards, and no police presence inside the camp. These are the minimum essential rights for the residents.”

She added, “I warn EU, U.S. and UN that the clerical regime is doing its utmost to fail at any cost, the peaceful solution for Ashraf crisis that the international community has worked very hard to bring about.” “Behind all these pressures is a regime that needs to destroy its opposition. Just like in their atomic dossier, mullahs are resorting to deception and delay tactics to commit a greater massacre.”

In another part of her speech, while calling on the EU and the U.S. to accept some of the Ashraf residents, in particular sick and wounded ones, Mrs. Rajavi said any delay in this regard is unacceptable and unjustifiable. She added, “I call on the European Union and the U.S. to immediately accept a number of the sick and the wounded of Ashraf residents.”

In this conference it was also disclosed that the Iranian regime and the Iraqi government have a “joint plan” for dismantling the main Iranian opposition force by imposing the conditions in Camp Liberty. According to this plan, the residents will be forced to either “voluntarily” go to a detention center instead of a refugee camp under the UN banderole, or they will be faced with the threat of another massacre.

The speakers to the conference emphasized that the Iraqi government, under Iranian regime’s guidance, has constantly violated the context of the MoU signed by the UN and the government of Iraq on December 25; and by putting up high walls around Camp Liberty, with an Iraqi police station inside the camp, and without permitting the residents to leave the camp, have turned the camp into a location that is more like a prison.

They called on Ms. Catherine Ashton, high representative of the Union for foreign affairs and security policy, Ms. Hillary Clinton, the U.S. secretary of State, and Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations who have declared their support for the December 25 Memorandum of Understanding, to act immediately and compel Iraq to abide by the context of the MoU.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 7, 2012