Maryam Rajavi: Spanish court ruling on Ashraf is in defense and protection of the rights of entire humanity


NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described the ruling of the Spanish court and the launching of a judicial investigation into criminal attack on Camp Ashraf on July 28 and 29, 2009, and tragic murder of PMOI members as a major victory in the international campaign in defense of Ashraf within the framework of crime against international community, war crime and crime against humanity. She added that this goes even beyond Ashraf and is a major historic step in defense and protection of human rights of entire humanity and all oppressed people that the violators of fundamental rights cannot evade the justice.

Mrs. Rajavi said that the court’s strong and repeated confirmation of the legal status of Ashraf residents as “protected persons” under Forth Geneva Convention since 2004, PMOI’s extraterritoriality status in Iraq since 1986, and its emphasize on the fact that based on the Rome Status of the International Criminal Court of July 1998, “grave  breaches of Geneva Convention” constitutes “war crime,” is a decisive and  undisputable  international ruling on the status of PMOI members in Ashraf.  The judgment further discredits the unlawful claims made by Iranian regime’s proxies in the Iraqi government regarding the legal status of Ashraf residents. It also makes the resumption of protection of Ashraf by the American forces and a UN monitoring mission  in Ashraf unavoidable.

Mrs. Rajavi said the ruling of the court is a warning to Nouri al-Maliki and all the forces and organs under his command that were involved in crimes against Ashraf, particularly the committee responsible for suppression of Ashraf within the office of Prime Minister, that the time for international accountability has come.

Mrs. Rajavi concluded by saying that on the basis of the ruling of the Spanish court, all those responsible for crimes committed in July 2009 and other crimes committed against PMOI members residing in Ashraf in the past two years, as well as Ali Khamenei (Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader), other leaders of the clerical regime and commanders of terrorist Qods Force and the regime’s intelligence agents who are responsible for torture and crime against Ashraf residents, to be summoned to the court, tried and punished. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 4, 2011


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