Maryam Rajavi appeals to Pope, United Nations, United States and EU over Camp Ashraf

Maryam Rajavi


Maryam RajaviMrs. Rajavi described preventing physicians from going to Camp Ashraf as a violation of the teachings of all Abrahamic religions and all relevant international conventions

Subsequent to prevention of entrance of physicians to Camp Ashraf to carry out emergency operations and medical treatments, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, urged Pope Benedict XVI, UN Secretary General, U.S. President and senior officials, EU, and relevant international organizations including the International Committee of the Red Cross to intervene immediately to stop inhumane pressures exerted by Iraqi forces on Ashraf residents.

The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance reminded that discussions had already been held with the representative of the Iraqi Government and the Iraqi commander on the scene in the presence of the commander of the U.S. forces in Ashraf and all had agreed that the physicians could enter Ashraf.
She reiterated that preventing the entrance of doctors to Ashraf puts lives of many of Ashraf residents into jeopardy since they cannot leave the camp and have no access to Iraqi hospitals.

Mrs. Rajavi said that recent measures against Ashraf residents violate the teachings of all Abrahamic religions and relevant international conventions. She added that the Iranian regime, by exerting pressure on the Government of Iraq, is trying to create a human catastrophe and massacre 3,500 residents of Ashraf in an attempt to rid itself of its opposition and, at the same time, complete its domination over Iraq.

Secretariat of National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 4, 2009 

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