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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyMaliki’s forces in a new suppressive attack against Ashraf residents

Maliki’s forces in a new suppressive attack against Ashraf residents

AshrafNCRI – On Wednesday afternoon, November 3, the subordinate forces of Nouri al-Maliki, in a new unlawful and suppressive move against Camp Ashraf, blocked the road leading to the camp’s cemetery and set up a check point searching vehicles and the residents visiting the cemetery. When the residents peacefully protested against this unjustified move, the Iraqi forces started insulting them and then beat them with cables, sticks and truncheons. One of the residents was wounded on his face during the attack and taken to hospital.


Among the assailant forces, there was a man who spoke in Farsi and appeared to be a member of the terrorist Qods force. He was giving the instructions to the Iraqi forces and telling them that he was the commander in the field and tried to create a crisis. These forces said that the attack was ordered by Lieutenant Ahmad Hassan Khodheir of the Army’s Intelligence under Maliki’s command. He is a well-known agent of the Iranian regime whose affiliation to the regime has been exposed by the Iranian Resistance on number of occasions.

On November 2, the NCRI’s secretariat issued a statement saying that Maliki, after his visit to Tehran, launched new suppressive measures against the residents of Ashraf upon the instructions of Saeed Jalili, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of the mullahs. On the same day, the spokesman of the regime’s foreign ministry in a comment on the outcome of Maliki’s visit to Tehran said, the presence of the PMOI in Iraq “is one thing that cannot be tolerated” by the regime. By referring to the formation of a government under Maliki’s premiership, he expressed hope that “after the establishment of a popular government in Iraq” this matter “would be dealt with seriously and serious measures to be adopted in this respect.”

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of UNAMI, UN Secretary General’s Special Representative for Iraq and the United States Government and its forces in Iraq to the hostile measures of the Iraqi forces against Ashraf. The Iraqi forces must be transferred outside Ashraf perimeter and be replaced with the US forces and the monitoring team of UNAMI to supervise the enforcement of international law and in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention that was implemented from 2003 until the end of 2009 in Ashraf.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 4, 2010