Maliki’s disgraceful attempt to implicate Special Representative of Secretary General for Iraq as collaborator in crime against humanity in Ashraf



Military occupation of Camp Ashraf – No. 138

NCRI – Yesterday, following a farewell meeting with Special Representative of United Nations Secretary General for Iraq Mr. Ad Melkert, Nuri al-Maliki claimed: “The Special Representative of the Secretary General for Iraq reiterated… especially the issue of Camp Ashraf and the need to implement Council of Ministers’ decision regarding the expulsion  of Ashraf residents from Iraq by the end of the current year” (Nuri al-Maliki’s Website, Al-Iraqiya state-run TV station, U.S. TV station al-Hurra, and Associated Press news agency – August 28, 2011).

In an immediate letter to Mr. Ad Melkert, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stated:
Maliki who is now under investigation by the Spanish Court for crimes against humanity of July 2009 and April 2011 in Ashraf, is preparing the grounds for another massacre of Ashraf residents by hideously attributing such nonsense to the Special Representative of Secretary General. This is a disgraceful attempt to implicate Special Representative of Secretary General as collaborator in crime against humanity against the protected persons and the defenseless refugees in Ashraf.

Such attempts come at a time when the Secretary General and senior officials from United Nations, European Union, and United States, in their reports, statements, correspondence and meetings with Maliki and other GoI authorities, strictly call for restraint against violence and bloodshed, annulment of the fabricated deadline set for the end of 2011, and recognition of Ashraf residents’ rights in adherence to international laws and standards. They have also called for a comprehensive, independent and transparent investigation into the great crime against humanity of 8 April in Ashraf.

Mrs. Rajavi called on Ad Melkert to rectify the remarks attributed to him by Maliki and not to allow the Iranian regime and its Iraqi elements to exploit United Nations for their objective to massacre Ashraf residents.
Mrs. Rajavi, in separate letters to United Nations’ Secretary-General, High Commissioner for Refugees, and High Commissioner for Human Rights, and to the High Representative of European Union, called for their immediate interference to prevent another bloodbath in Ashraf. In particular, she called on Mr. Antonio Guterres to make a declaration that Ashraf residents enjoy international protection, and she urged Ms. Navi Pillay to station permanent UN observers in Ashraf and to conduct investigations into the 8 April massacre.

On August 24, agents from Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and its terrorist Qods Forces, in cooperation from Iraqi Army forces, installed two communication poles 100 meters from southern perimeter of the camp for control and espionage purposes against Ashraf residents and to intensify suppression against them.

Maliki, upon orders from Khamenei who, after the toppling of Qadhafi and escalation of Syrian people’s uprising, is increasingly in need of suppressing the Iranian opposition, under the pretext that during the April 8 massacre of residents four weapons of its elements are missing, is planning to conduct a military search operation in Ashraf that will undoubtedly lead to bloodshed.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran 
August 29, 2011

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