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Maliki’s justice minister visits Iran – receives orders to target the PMOI and Iraqi dissidents

The Iranian regime’s justice minister said: “We are most thankful to Iraq for its measures against the PMOI and their eviction.”

NCRI – The Minister of Justice of the Iraqi government of Nouri al-Maliki has traveled to Tehran on April 17 to receive orders from the Iranian regime to target members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Ashraf and Camp Liberty, as well as orders against Iraqi dissidents.

The day before leaving for Tehran, Hassan al-Shemeri, announced in Baghdad the execution of 21 Iraqi political prisoners and added that the executions would continue even if it made Iraq becomes the world’s number one country in terms of executions.

Shemeri, who is in direct contact with the Iranian regime’s terrorist Qods Force, in his meeting with the clerical regime’s justice minister, said: “We consider the existence of the PMOI(MEK) as a threat to the government of Iraq. The Iraqi government has a special viewpoint towards this group and as you know, Saddam used this group to suppress the uprising in Iraq.” (ISNA state-run news agency, April 17)

On the same day, the IRGC affiliated Fars news agency quoted the Iranian regime’s justice minister, telling Shemeri: “We are most thankful to Iraq for its measures against the PMOI and their eviction. If the Iranian people loath American behavior, one of the reasons is the double standards of that country’s leaders vis-à-vis terrorist grouplets, particularly the PMOI(MEK).”

Shemeri’s visit to Tehran comes two weeks after a visit to Baghdad by the mullahs’ Minister of Intelligence and Security Heydar Moslehi, which faced widespread opposition by the Iraqi people.

Moslehi, explaining the aims of his visit, said on April 2: “The following up the PMOI expulsion from Iraq will be specifically be addressed on the trip. We insist that this group be removed from Iraq as soon as possible. And with coordination already in place, God willing, this group will be soon removed from Iraq.” (Iranian regime state-run TV- April 2)

Shemeri has visited Tehran numerous times in the past. On April 11, 2011, three days after the second massacre in Ashraf by Iraqi forces, and speaking at Iraq’s Council of Ministers meeting, Shemeri said: “The issue is not the eviction of PMOI (MEK) from Iraq, but the issue that all PMOI members should be killed.”

Moslehi’s trip to Baghdad and Shemeri’s visit to Tehran exposes the clerical regime and its puppet government in Iraq continuing threats against the residents of Camp Liberty and Ashraf, and is paving the way for the fourth massacre of Ashraf and Camp Liberty residents.

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of UN Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Refugees, and the US government, to the need for urgent measures to provide safety and protection for residents of Ashraf and Liberty.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 18, 2013