Maliki’s forces plunder and steal Camp Ashraf property

NCRI – Following the massacre and mass execution of Ashraf residents by Maliki’s forces on 1 September 2013, and thus the transfer of the 42 remaining members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) in Ashraf to Camp Liberty, Iraqi forces under various pretexts are busy stealing and plundering, or demolishing and destroying Ashraf residents’ property.

From September 11th and after the departure of the last residents from the camp, a 6-man group of the Ashraf suppression committee in the Iraqi Prime Ministry – already stationed in the police station inside Ashraf – entered the camp and began inspecting various areas along with Captain Heidar Azab Mashi, a criminal element who directly participated in the massacre of Ashraf residents.

On September 12th, General Ali Gheidan, commander of Maliki’s ground forces, summoned by the Spanish National Court; General Abdul-Amir Zeidi, commander of the Tigris Operations Command forces; and General Jamil Shemmeri, commander of Diyala police, went to Ashraf and inspected the areas where 52 PMOI members were massacred.

In the meantime, the Iraqi Prime Ministry sought to obtain a court order through the ‘Iraq Supreme Judicial Council’ in order to steal the PMOI’s property. The police commander in Ashraf asked the court judge of Khalis (town south of Ashraf) to issue an order to allow him to steal the PMOI’s confiscated vehicles held in the police unit base in Ashraf. On September 12th, Ahmad Khozeir, an Iraqi Prime Ministry element and murderer of Ashraf residents, plundered two containers of Ashraf residents’ property that was confiscated from April 2012 and held at Ashraf’s Tulip Square.
On September 14th, Iraqi forces began stealing a number of the residents’ power generators and transferring them out of Ashraf.

In yet another criminal act carried out under orders issued by General Shemmeri, Iraqi forces completely destroyed Ashraf’s Freedom Tower and brought it down.

Despite its previous pledges to Ashraf residents provided through Beth Jones, US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, and the UN Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, the Iraqi government has prevented the listing of the residents’ property in the presence of UNAMI and hiring a private company to protect the property.

Danaei-Far, a commander of the terrorist Quds Force and current ambassador of the Iranian regime in Baghdad, has informed the Iraqi Prime Ministry that Oday Khadran, governor of Khalis and a known agent of the terrorist Quds Force, will hold a ceremony in Ashraf in the near future to celebrate the termination of PMOI’s presence in Ashraf.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary-General and Security Council, US government, European Union and relevant international organizations to prevent the stealing of Ashraf residents’ property and expropriating them by the regimes of Iran and Iraq, and to provide the opportunity to sell these assets by Senator Robert Torricelli, the residents’ legal representative.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 26, 2013

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