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Maliki-Khamenei’s plot to whitewash crime at Camp Ashraf, Iranian Resistance calls on UN for action

False testimonies, murderers conducting the investigations, pressuring courts and judges, and misleading international community are four components of a Maliki-Khamenei style probe

NCRI – The Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran had said in a statement on September 26: ” On behalf of Iraqi Major General Jamil al-Shemmari, chief of Diyala police who commanded the massacre and mass execution in Ashraf on September 1, a three-man group went to Camp Liberty to investigate the attack by interrogating some of the 42 eyewitnesses of the crime against humanity who were relocated from Camp Ashraf to Liberty.” (Statement No. 65 on Camp Ashraf Massacre)

The chief of the so-called investigating group was Brigadier General Khales al-Tamimi who is Jamil Shemmeri’s deputy, was a commanders of the September 1 massacre at Camp Ashraf.

Reports from inside the Iranian regime indicate that this has been a part of a larger scenario, aimed at confronting the increasing outrage of the international community at the grave crime against humanity in Camp Ashraf and relieving Nouri al-Maliki, and his security advisor Faleh Fayyaz and other perpetrators in the Iraqi government.

In the next phase Nouri al-Maliki is bent on fabricating a number of judicial orders to steal and confiscate Camp Ashraf residents’ property, valued at least $550 million.

According to reports and documents sent to the Iranian regime’s terrorist Quds Force and Ministry of Intelligence, by its embassy in Baghdad — which available to be presented in any impartial court of law — this devious scenario also has other parts to it:

Based on the reports, one part of this scenario is that the criminals and murderers who were involved in the September 1 massacre either produce false written testimonies, or give false testimonies before an Iraqi government judge trusted by al-Maliki and Faleh Fayyaz,

The criminals include individuals whom the Iranian Resistance has already announced their involvement in the attack and their presence at Camp Ashraf at the time of the attack are undeniable.

The individuals include Major Ahmed Khozeir, Captain Heidar Azab, General Jamil Shemmeri, Colonel Nahad and…

Based on the scenario, the testimonies should have a common ground and all deny themselves or the Iraqi government from having any responsibility in the attack by claiming that they had no knowledge of the attack; they did not enter Camp Ashraf; they only heard sounds of explosions; the residents opposed their entrance into the camp and …

Another part is to obtain a number of tailored interviews from the 42 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) who had been transferred from Camp Ashraf to Liberty after the massacre. A report on the first phase of this plot was presented in a statement by this secretariat on September 30, 2013.

Another important part includes influencing local courts and using ‘trusted judges’ in Diyala Province to cooperate with Maliki’s fabricated investigations and confirm its results. Furthermore, they themselves are not to carry out any investigation independent from the police or other executive apparatuses, and if they appoint any person to conduct a probe their duty is to ‘independently’ confirm the investigation conducted by government agents.

Finally the relevant judge will sign and approve Maliki’s desired report as an ‘independent investigation’ carried out by the Iraqi judicial system.

Based on the reports sent by the Iranian regime’s embassy to Iran, the forth part includes Iraqi officials presenting the results of so-called investigations at international level while going on foreign trips or hosting foreign guests in Baghdad to wash their hands from this crime against humanity. To this end, the officials would also pretend they are angry from the crime committed in Camp Ashraf while claiming that it has been against the interest of the Iraqi Government.

This is not the first time that due to the inattention or political reservations by the United Nations a great crime committed against the PMOI members at Camp Ashraf has not been investigated has provided Nouri al-Maliki with the opportunity for cover up.

Prior to this, at least 6 other crimes has been committed that due to their scope, nature or motivations, fall within the context of crime against humanity and have gone uninvestigated: the massacres of July 2009 and April 2011 at Camp Ashraf, the missile attacks against Camp Liberty in February and June 2013, the psychological torture of 3200 protected persons and asylum seekers at Camp Ashraf with 320 loudspeakers for almost two years, and gradual killing of 14 patients due to the inhumane medical siege.

Two and a half years ago, following the April 8, 2011 massacre at Camp Ashraf, Ms. Navi Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, announced: ” There must be a full, independent and transparent inquiry, and any person found responsible for use of excessive force should be prosecuted.”

Yet no action has been taken and now we were faced with greater crimes. If the September 1 crime is faced with the same destiny, without any doubt the criminal mullahs and their puppet government in Iraq will resort to greater crimes.

The Iranian Resistance, while stressing on the legal, logical and rational principle that the impartiality and true veracity of an investigation requires that the suspects of the crime not take part in it, once again calls on the UN Secretary General and High Commissioner for Human Rights to carry out an independent and through investigation into the September 1 massacre; bring the criminals to justice.

The Iranian Resistance also urges the UN Secretary General and the High Commissioner for Human Rights to not to allow Nouri al-Maliki and Ali Khamenei to cover up the great crime against humanity, relieve the villains of accountability and pave the way for a greater massacre.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 4, 2013