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Maliki intensifies pressures on Ashraf as obligated by his commitments to mullahs’ regime

Loud speakers Ashraf• Iranian intelligence agents stationed at Ashraf’s eastern flank to increase psychological torture

• Despatch of hostile reports and stealing resident’s properties

NCRI – In keeping his commitments to Saeid Jalili, Secretary of the clerical regime’s Supreme National Security Council, in his trip of few weeks ago to Iran, Nouri al-Maliki is implementing new plans to pressure PMOI members in Ashraf. The religious fascism ruling Iran has set intensification of pressures and suppression against Ashraf as its main precondition for all-out support for Maliki’s premiership.

1. Today, MOIS agents who have reached nowhere with their 10-month-long psychological torture of the residents, with the backing of Iraqi forces under Maliki’s command, were also stationed on the eastern flank of Ashraf. They placed their loudspeakers on the protecting berms of Ashraf only two meters away from Ashraf’s fence. They began their inhumane threats against the residents from this flank too so that nowhere in Ashraf would escape their ear piercing shrieks and horrible noises. Troops from the Iraqi battalion, supposedly there to protect Ashraf, were at the service of these agents.

2. Concurrently, these agents go up the towers installed by Iraqi forces for the installation of their loudspeakers to shoot films and take photographs of dwellings inside the camp and to collect information for the Iranian embassy and the terrorist Qods Force.

3. Preparing bogus hostile reports against the PMOI and Ashraf residents is another part of Maliki’s mission against Ashraf as a way to justify the increase of pressure and suppression on Ashraf on this pretext. One of the duties of Lieutenant Haidar Azab Mashi, an Iraqi army officer in contact with the terrorist Qods Force who has been busy tormenting, persecuting and insulting PMOI members in Ashraf, is to prepare these reports. While Ashraf has been under complete siege in the past two years, in one of his recent reports a copy of which we have received from inside the IRGC, has foolishly claimed that Ashraf residents are in contact with al-Qaida organization through Diyala’s residents. According to this fabricated report, Ashraf residents, with the help of the locals, during the toppling of the previous regime in Iraq, have stolen the ammunitions in depots of the city of Odheim, north of Ashraf, and distributed them to al-Qaida agents. This report claims that PMOI members in Ashraf transfer some money to elements in contact with them outside of Ashraf.

4. For this purpose the state-run Fars News Agency, in similar bogus news, quoting “reliable sources in Diyala” wrote: “Camp Ashraf provides training to Diyala province’s children to plant mines and improvise handmade bombs”.  The news added: “Someone by the name of Rahmani trains the children at the ages 12-14 to install bombs at public places; in return, he pays them $20-30 daily”. The IRGC acknowledges the real reason behind propagating this report by “reliable sources in Diyala” that is no one but the terrorist Qods Force as “this is while the European Parliament asked the United States to remove the PMOI from the terrorist list and also asked the United Nations to protect Camp Ashraf residents.” 

5. On Saturday, November 27, 2010, Iraqi forces stole a significant number of projectors and light bulbs of the entrance square of Ashraf city. Previously, they had destroyed the internal telephone system junctions inside Ashraf and had removed some of the communication equipment and cables from underground and took them away.
During attacks on July 28 and 29, 2009, they inflicted heavy damages to the premises and equipment belonged to the residents of Ashraf. The Secretariat of the NCRI in a statement on August 15, 2009, reported that Ashraf residents’ property worth $2,537,000 were stolen or confiscated during the July attack, which included vehicles worth $1,177,000. This is while the Iraqi forces have been refusing to allow any building material, electricity items and other necessities to enter Ashraf upon the orders of the suppressive committee within Iraq’s prime minister’s office for the 22 months.

6. The agents of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence who have been torturing the residents psychologically for the past 10 months and enjoy full support of Iraqi forces, in a provocative measure, embarked on tearing the protection fence of Ashraf in a bid to infiltrate into the camp. However, their plot was foiled due to the residents’ vigilance.

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of UNAMI and the Special Representative of UN Secretary General for Iraq as well as the US forces in Iraq to the hostile acts by Iraqi forces against the residents of Ashraf and calls on them to take urgent measures to prevent these incidents from taking place and the stolen items returned to the residents.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 29, 2010