Maliki insists on his suppressive and illegal deadline to close Ashraf at the end of 2011

Ashraf Occupation- No. 162

Pressure and inhumane siege imposed on Ashraf residents intensifies

NCRI – Despite international protest, Iraqi government insists on its suppressive and illegal deadline to close Ashraf at the end of 2011. It has intensified its pressures and suppressive measures witch are all examples of crime against humanity and breach of international humanitarian law and human rights law.

1- During recent three weeks, the Iraqi forces have obstructed the transfer of urgent patients who needed urgent treatment or surgery to Baquba and Baghdad Hospitals. For example they have obstructed several times transfer of 4 women residents who had surgery appointments in Baghdad.

On Wednesday November 16, Iraqi forces declared that the committee for suppression of Ashraf in the office of prime minister has ordered the prohibition of transfer of patients to Baghdad. Two of these women have waited several months for their surgery appointment and as they strongly suffered with their pains, they should be operated to replace their joints. One of these women is at the verge of loosing her sight and her eyes should be operated and the forth patient suffered strongly from her spinal column.
During three years, several Ashraf residents of Ashraf have lost their lives because of medical siege of Ashraf. Prohibition of entry of specialist doctors, medicines and medical equipments to Ashraf as well as transfer of patients especially women to hospital can be considered as war crime and crime against humanity and the responsible of these crimes can be pursued and punished.

2- On Thursday morning 17 November, by instructions of committee of suppression even entry of fuel for central electricity generator of Ashraf that is actually occupied by Iraqis was prohibited. This station provides the electricity of Ashraf to replace the main electricity. Actually there is a lack of electricity in all cities of Iraq.

3- In order to intensify inhuman pressures, the committee of suppression of Ashraf has imposed further restrictions to use this station that is entirely made and funded by the PMOI. The Iraqi forces have reduced the hours that this station can be used in daytime and at night when there is shortage of electricity this station does not work so the residents have not use their facilities to warm themselves. In addition, despite wintertime, they do not even let entry of coal and wood to Ashraf, therefore the residents are under pressure.

4- Two months after the dead of Ms. Zahra Mehrsefat, member of leadership council of the PMOI and member of the NCRI, despite Islamic traditions and humanitarian and ethical principals, the Iraqis refuse to deliver her body to her relatives at Ashraf. These criminals even misuse the body of a member of PMOI to exert pressure on her comrades and her relatives.

Secretariat of National Council of Resistance of Iran
18 November 2011

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