Maliki declares war and attack on Ashraf



Military Occupation of Camp Ashraf – No. 146

International call to save lives of defenseless residents

On Tuesday evening, October 11, the Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki told Reuters: “We have given the PMOI and the international community time until the end of the year and after that we are at liberty to make decisions to terminate their presence in Iraqi territory. We don’t tell our neighboring countries to remain silent in face of murder.” [as translated from Arabic] This is a clear green light for criminal operations by the Iranian regime inside Iraqi territory.

In a blatant lie Maliki says: “They… attack Iran. Yet worse, they interfere in our internal affairs. They are a terrorist organization with no legal status.”

 Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described these statements as a blatant declaration of war against Ashraf and setting the stage for another bloodbath and massacre of the defenseless and unarmed residents of Ashraf. She added that these statements leave no doubt about the ominous intents of the Iranian regime and the Iraqi government to obstruct international endeavors to reach a peaceful solution for Ashraf.

Mrs. Rajavi urged the U.S. and the United Nations, especially its Secretary-General, to take urgent actions to avert a major humanitarian catastrophe predictable from now, compel the government of Iraq to annul the deadline for closure of Ashraf by the end of 2011, station the UN monitors or U.S. forces in Ashraf, and ensure protection of residents against violence and forcible relocation so that the path for a peaceful solution is paved.

She also urged the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to announce refugee status of all Ashraf residents heedless of the obstructions caused by the Iranian regime and the Government of Iraq so that no pretext would be left for their massacre.
Maliki’s remarks come after a series of separate meetings by Danaifar, mullahs’ regime ambassador to Iraq, with Maliki, Hassan al-Saneed, Ammar al-Hakim, Hadi al-Ameri, and Ibrahim Jaafari during past ten days. In those meetings, Danaifar asked them to reject international efforts for peaceful settlement of Ashraf issue and to implement the felonious deadline for closure of Ashraf by the end of 2011.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 12, 2011

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