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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyMaliki and Mullah’s Justice Minister Talk Of Prosecuting PMOI Members

Maliki and Mullah’s Justice Minister Talk Of Prosecuting PMOI Members

Iranian Resistance Warns the United Nations and United States about Ominous Intentions of the Iranian Regime and its Culprits in Iraq

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki met Iranian Justice Minister Morteza Bakhtiari in Baghdad, Thursday, July 5.  In the meeting, the Iranian side stressed on prosecuting members of the Iranian opposition movement Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (PMOI/MEK), reported Iraqi media. The organization is in Iraq facing oppressive measures.

The statement shows ominous, inhumane, and unlawful intentions on the part of the Iranian regime and its culprits in Iraq.  It shows that the Maliki government has no will of its own and only carries out orders coming from the religious fascism ruling in Iran against the residents of Camps Ashraf and Liberty.

The Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad, Danaifar, declared absurd deadlines for closing Camp Ashraf and said, “One hundred members of the Mujahedin have judicial cases.  They can return to Iran but will be arrested,” reported Mehr news agency affiliated with Iranian Ministry of Intelligence on July 1.
Danaifar added that, “The government of Iraq also has cases against them for participating in killings and they are also under investigation in Iraq.”

George Yakoub Bakoos who is a deputy in the committee for oppressing Ashraf and also is Maliki’s political advisor referred to these fabricated arrest warrants  and cases against one hundred PMOI members and said that they will be executed  when time is appropriate and after the UNHCR has finished its work.

The said warrants and cases are all made up by the Iranian regime and have been forwarded to the Iraq government by Danaifar.  They obviously were made in a hurry as they don’t even bear the name of the issuing judge and include names of deceased, a number of members of the resistance living in Europe and United States or inside Iran and also include people who have never been a member of the PMOI.

Iraqi sources revealed last week that Iranian Quds force officers based in regime’s embassy in Baghdad are directly briefed by the National Security Advisor to Maliki about meetings taking place between government of Iraq, the United Nations and PMOI.  The sources also say that the team stationed at the embassy pressures Fallah Fayz to use inhuman behavior and pressure against the residents.

The above exposes existing plans and conspiracies by the mullahs’ regime and the government of Iraq against residents of Camp Ashraf, set for after the move to Liberty is complete.  Therefore, considering the direct and doubtless responsibility of the government of United States and United Nations with regards to protection of Camp Ashraf, the Iranian Resistance calls for immediate intervention by Secretary Clinton, General Secretary Ban Ki-moon and his Special Envoy to Iraq to provide and secure protection for Camp Ashraf residents.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 6, 2012