Latest measures of Iraqi Prime Ministry against Ashraf, preparing the grounds for a new humanitarian catastrophe

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance has obtained documents from within the Iranian regime whereupon the committee to suppress Ashraf in the Iraqi Prime Ministry has been tasked to execute the following measures against the PMOI members in Ashraf:

1. Fabrication of facts, reports, and documents and presenting them to TV channels in Iraq and abroad which would show the role of the PMOI in “terrorist operations” against the people of Iraq in the Shaabaniya uprising (1991), PMOI’s interference in Iraq’s internal affairs, and cooperation with al-Qaeda for the massacre and forced migration of Iraqi people, especially in the Diyala Province.

2. Manipulation of Iraqi High Tribunal via judges affiliated with al-Maliki and the Iranian regime. According to these documents, the committee has been tasked to present fabricated evidences and documents to these judges to inform them of “the criminal acts of the PMOI in suppressing the Shaabaniya uprising and the massacre of Iraqis”, to then issue arrest warrants for “those involved in these crimes and have committed murder, assisted the al-Qaeda to kill and to force migration of the people of Diyala”, and to subsequently punish them.

3. Assisting the Iranian embassy in Baghdad to dispatch more agents of Iranian regime’s Intelligence to Ashraf under the guise of ‘Iranian families who want to visit their relatives in Ashraf’, and to provide all the requirements, including their transportation and their accommodation in Iraq. To this end, they would make the maximum use of the agents such as Nafe Issa who has already been exposed by the Iranian Resistance.
4. Using Iranian regime’s affiliated TV channels in Iraq such as al-Massar, al-Furat, al-Ghadir, Beladi and al-Watan against Ashraf residents in cooperation with Prime Minister’s press office. One of the tasks of these TV channels is to take films, cooperate with the MOIS agents and broadcast reports on the activities of those who have been torturing the residents psychologically for more than a year.

5. Organizing photo exhibitions in Baghdad and other provinces such as Diyala, Najaf, Karbala and Hilla against the PMOI to inform the people about “the crimes committed by this group against the people of Iraq”.
6. Dispatching a delegation by the Ashraf suppression committee to Najaf to meet with religious figures and personalities in order “to educate them about the crimes of this group” and to achieve moral support for suppressive measures against Ashraf.
7. Holding meetings and conferences under the name of Iraqi tribes in Iraq’s southern provinces by the agents of the Iranian regime and Iraqi Prime Ministry in order to gain support for expulsion of the PMOI members from Ashraf.

Taking such measures is blatant stage-setting to carry out another aggression against Ashraf residents and to create a new humanitarian catastrophe in Ashraf. The obtained documents by the Iranian Resistance, which all bespeak of unlawful measures of the Iraqi government against Ashraf residents and serious continued violation of Fourth Geneva Convention and many other international covenants, have already been handed over to the Spain’s National Court.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 12, 2011

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