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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyKuwait and UAE officials invited to Ashraf to investigate Iran regime's disinformation

Kuwait and UAE officials invited to Ashraf to investigate Iran regime’s disinformation

 Iranian opposition Camp Ashraf attacked – Statement 80

Officials, parliamentarians and media in Kuwait and UAE invited to Ashraf to investigate disinformation spread by agents of Iran regime in Iraq

NCRI – On Tuesday, August 11, the official website of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) reported, “Mouwaffaq al-Rubaie has been appointed as the National Security Advisor to the Iraqi President, and what is more important is that an international delegation accompanied by a number of Kuwaiti officials will visit parts of the Camp Ashraf today.”

Simultaneously and parallel to MOIS, the office of the Iraqi Prime Minister released a fabricated report which was published in Al-Sabah semi-official daily saying, “The Human Rights Ministry [of Iraq] in coordination with the Interior Ministry plans to investigate the existence of graves of the remains of disappeared Kuwaities within Camp Ashraf area in Diyala [province].” This is “on the basis of remarks by one of the military commanders of Diyala who had said that according to preliminary information obtained during a military operation which was carried out recently in Camp Ashraf some graves were located belonging to Kuwaiti victims.”

This is while, on August 5, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry denied the ridiculous lies.

The official Iraqi state television on August 7 said, “The Foreign Ministry of Iraq denies discovery of the remains of corpses of disappeared Kuwaitis in Camp Ashraf following its take over by Iraqi forces.”

Propagation of lies is taking place while the Iraqi Government is not allowing reporters to visit Camp Ashraf. On July 29, Reporters Without Borders “condemned the decision by the Iraqi authorities to ban journalists from entering Camp Ashraf”.

On August 5, Reporters Without Borders reiterated its “condemnation of the government’s refusal to let journalists cover its operations in a camp northeast of Baghdad that houses Iranian dissidents”.

“It is clear the Iraqi authorities are ensuring that no reports or images emerge from Camp Ashraf but, in so doing, they are showing they have something to hide,” Reporters Without Borders said. “This situation is unacceptable.”

The Morvarid (Pearl) Cemetery in Ashraf, which is currently occupied by Iraq’s suppressive forces, did not exist at the time of the Kuwait War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), and at the time the PMOI would bury their martyrs in Karbala. Morvarid Cemetery was created in May 1991 after the change in circumstances in Iraq due to the difficulties in travelling to Karbala to bury the martyrs of the defensive operation known as Operation Pearl.

In order to come to know better of the disinformation campaign by the religious fascism in Iran and its proxies in Iraq, the Iranian Resistance invites Kuwaiti officials, parliamentarians and journalists and officials from the Arab League to go to Ashraf in any numbers without any hindrance for as many days as is possible to investigate the matter and publish the results for the attention of the general public. Even though Arab countries and Kuwaiti and Arab League officials are fully aware of the disinformation machinery of the mullahs ruling Iran under the banner of Islam over the past three decades, and have rejected the allegations by this regime including that the PMOI set fire to the holy site in Mecca in 1987 and hid the former Iraqi government’s atomic and chemical weapons in its bases, and thus may not feel it necessary to carry out an inspection; however, the Iranian Resistance must in these circumstances reiterate and insist on its invitation.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 12, 2009

UN Secretary General
US ambassador to Iraq
Commander of the Multi-National Force-Iraq