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Joint plots by mullahs’ regime and al-Maliki to obtain arrest warrants for PMOI leaders

Sample ImageJoint plots by mullahs' regime and al-Maliki to obtain arrest warrants for PMOI leaders from regime's agents in an Iraqi court

NCRI – In the lead up to the anniversary of the July 9 student-led uprising in Tehran, from the early hours of Monday the mullahs' regime's state radio, television and press have been broadcasting round the clock reports of arrest warrants issued against the leaders of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) by Iraq's "Supreme Criminal Court".

According to information received, Haji Ali Navadi, an official in the regime's Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) has in recent months and weeks repeated travelled to the Supreme Criminal Court to obtain judgments against the PMOI by providing major bribes. He had previously been exposed in a series of statements by the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). In recent months he helped organize a despicable psychological torture campaign against the residents of Camp Ashraf by a group of MOIS agents stationed at the gates of Ashraf.

At the behest of the religious fascism ruling Iran, Nuri al-Maliki, in his final days as Prime Minister, dispatched a member of his political party (al-Dawa), Mohsen Reysan, as a judge to the Supreme Criminal Court with a fabricated file prepared by the Iraqi intelligence against the PMOI.

Iraq's Supreme Criminal Court was established in 2003 to consider the cases of the country's former officials and has no relevance to the PMOI and the Iranian Resistance. The former head of the court in 2009 declared that its work had been finished and that the court would no longer receive new cases. However, al-Maliki and the Iranian regime kept the court functioning to act as a lever of judicial pressure and appointed an affiliate of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI, SIIC) and the 9th Badr Brigade as its head.

While the activities of the agents of the mullahs' regime with 30 megaphones outside Ashraf since February have had no effect, in the lead up to the formation of a new Iraqi government, the regime is trying to put judicial pressure and obtain arrest warrants against the residents of Ashraf prior to its losing its full control over the Iraqi government.

The abysmal ploys by the regime and its agents in Iraq take place at a time when 3,500 lawmakers, including a majority of MPs from 23 different Parliaments have signed statements supporting the "Third Option" for democratic change in Iran proposed by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, and supporting the rights and protection of Ashraf residents. The regime has been also been frightened by a statement by 480,000 residents of Iraq's Diyala Province reiterating the need for the UN to protect Ashraf residents and US forces to guarantee that protection.

Over the past seven years, the PMOI, the NCRI, the International Committee of Jurists in Defense of Ashraf, the international committee 'In Search of Justice' as well as 16 Parliamentary committees in various countries have reiterated on hundreds of occasions to the Iraqi government, US officials, and international organizations that the PMOI members in Ashraf have declared that they are prepared to appear in any international court to answer all charges by the regime and its agents in Iraq. The late Lord Slynn of Hadley, a former judge at the European Court of Justice and UK Law Lord, formally made this request in February 2008 to the UN's International Fact-finding Commission; however the Iraqi government has yet to respond.

The Iranian Resistance brings the attention of the UN Secretary General and his Special Representative for Iraq, as well as US officials and international human rights organizations to the latest plots by the mullahs' regime and its agents in Iraq against the residents of Ashraf. It once again invites Ali Khamenei, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Nuri al-Maliki and any other claimant in Iran or Iraq to appear before the Spanish court and or the International Fact-finding Commission or any other impartial international court which has the minimum internationally-recognized standards.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 6, 2010