Iraqi suppressive forces obstruct discharge of Camp Liberty’s sewage

NCRI – Iraqi government intensifies pressures and suppressive and anti-human policies against Liberty residents at the behest of Iranian regime.

During the days of May 30 and 31, Major Ahmed Khozair prevented sewage tankers from leaving the camp and discharging camp’s sewage. Ahmed Khozair who is an agent under command of Iraqi prime ministry has had a direct role in the massacre of Ashraf residents in the years 2009 and 2011.

In the absence of necessary infrastructures, residents have to transfer camp’s black water with sewage tankers to outside the camp. However, in the past two days, as a means to persecute residents, departure of tankers are being prevented using the excuse that drivers and vehicles have to be inspected both on their way out and upon return to the camp. This is while from the moment sewage tankers leave the camp there are police forces with them at all times.

Due to the terribly unsuitable condition of the infrastructures, absence of a sewage network, and corroded state of the black water tanks, Liberty is constantly under the threat of environmental contamination and breakout of all kinds of diseases. Obstructing sewage tankers from leaving the camp makes conditions even more critical.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 1, 2013

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