Iraqi police beats and wounds Camp Ashraf residents

Brutal beatings of unarmed residents of PMOI members in Camp Ashraf by Iraqi armed forcesCamp Ashraf attacked – Statement 8

NCRI – At 17:15 local time, brutal beatings of unarmed residents of PMOI members in Camp Ashraf by Iraqi armed forces continues.  These forces have entered the city through northern and eastern entries into different streets.  They are not only beating the residents but they are also puncturing tires on all the vehicles that are carrying wounded to Ashraf’s Clinique.  Many of those wounded are prevented from having access to medical treatment.

Camp Ashraf attacked – Statement 8

NCRI – At 17:15 local time, brutal beatings of unarmed residents of PMOI members in Camp Ashraf by Iraqi armed forces continues.  These forces have entered the city through northern and eastern entries into different streets.  They are not only beating the residents but they are also puncturing tires on all the vehicles that are carrying wounded to Ashraf’s Clinique.  Many of those wounded are prevented from having access to medical treatment.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 28, 2009

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