Iraqi people’s abhorrence against the show of Iranian embassy and terrorist Qods force against Ashraf and their isolation

Assault on Ashraf – No. 2

NCRI – Widespread efforts by the Iranian embassy in Baghdad, terrorist Qods force and the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), with the full backing of the committee responsible for suppression of Ashraf residents within Iraqi prime ministry and Iraqi forces under Nouri al-Maliki’s command, to assemble a group of Iraqis around Ashraf on Friday, January 07, 2011, encountered strong hatred among Iraqi people and tribes. They only managed to gather a small number of paid agents on the scene.

 The coaches provided by the embassy to transfer Iraqis from Baghdad and Diyala Governorate to Ashraf arrived at the location almost empty. 21 coaches arrived at the scene of Ashraf only brought in a total of 50 paid agents.

The low turnout demoralized the organizers on the ground who had earlier promised that thousands of Iraqis would turn up. They are even having problems in handling these agents. Sedeq Kazem, the agent who ordered the shooting of the PMOI members in Ashraf during July 2009 attack, commanded the stage managed show today. The agents on the scene are hurling stones and bottles at the residents of Ashraf inside the camp. A number of residents have already been wounded.

As such, the clerical regime that planned to overshadow the ruling of the Spanish Court and extensive domestic and international indignation as a result of hanging of veteran political prisoner Ali Sarami, faced a new disgrace. 

Ali Akbar Salehi, the regime’s Foreign Minister had told Nouri-alMaliki on January 5 that Maliki should take more practical steps against Ashraf. Maliki, in turn, had ordered the committee responsible for suppression of Ashraf residents to take the appropriate measures so that this show to be conducted more elaborately. 

The committee in charge of suppression of Ashraf is advancing the plans in constant coordination and communication with the Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad. In this regard, a meeting was held at Iraq’s Prime Ministry’s office and attended by Ali al-Yasseri, the head of the committee, Sadeg Kazem, Colonel Abdol-Latif Abdol-Amir, the commander of Iraqi battalion in Ashraf and a representative of the regime’s embassy in Baghdad. In the meeting, it was said that the Iraqi Army and police will fully support the show by the agents and they will provide protection.

The Iraqi Army’s Fifth Division stationed in Diyala province has deployed posts in 14 locations along the route taken by the agents on their way to Ashraf. The rapid deployment battalion and police force in the city of Khalis, near Ashraf, also have gone to Ashraf. Throughout last night, the Iraqi battalion in charge of protection of Ashraf and its commander were busy in facilitating the presence of agents at Ashraf.

General Farough Al-Aaraji, head of the office of commander in chief of the armed forces in Iraq’s prime ministry has directed the media, particularly the television stations to broadcast reports about the show. Uday Khadran, Governor of Khalis and a well-known Qods Force member, has told the reporters in Diyala to report on the event otherwise they will face serious consequences. Some reporters at the scene said that the fully organized event by the Iraqi government is not a news worthy material.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 7, 2011

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