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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIraqi people and leaders condemn attack on Iraq’s guests in Camp Liberty

Iraqi people and leaders condemn attack on Iraq’s guests in Camp Liberty

NCRI – The people of Iraq, in their uprising on Friday, February 15 named “Baghdad, Persistence!” condemned missile attack on Camp  Liberty and massacre of its residents.

In a statement addressing the protestors in Iraq, Excellency Sheikh Abdul-Malek al-Saadi, prominent Iraqi religious leader said: “Instead of fulfilling the rights of masses of people and this huge crowd… the Government of Iraq had launched an extensive wave of unbridled measures and has sunk Baghdad in assassinations, arrests, pressures and has banned entering people to this city…This government further added to this obstinacy and fired missiles at Camp Liberty residents who are Iraq’s guests.” (Al Taqeer TV report on demonstration in Fallujah, February 15).

In city of Mosul, demonstrators carried banners and placards condemning attack on Camp Liberty. One of the banners read, “We condemn the criminal missile barrage against Camp Liberty by Iran (Iranian regime) and its mercenaries. Be persistent! Cruelty shall vanish.”

Al-Mada news agency wrote in a report from city of Samarra, “Sheikh Muhammad Ibrahim, Imam and preacher at sit-in in a square in Samarra said: We condemn the government for allowing persons to come from beyond the border and specifically from Iran and rattle their sabers in Baghdad, and bring missile into Iraq and attack camps, and at the same time prevent worshipers to pray at Abu-Hanifa Mosque.”

“Camp Liberty in western Baghdad belonging to the PMOI was targeted on February 9. PMOI announced 35 rockets hit the camp leaving at least 60 people killed or injured.” (Al-Mada, February 15)

When General Ghaidan, Maliki’s Ground Forces Commander, went to Al-Anbar on February 14, he was faced with strong protests of representatives of demonstrators who told him, “Why are Kataeb al-Hezbollah provided with security and why are they provided with a place in the International Stadium to hold military parades … and why does Watheq al-Battat make threats, acts based on his threats and fires missiles at the where members of the People’s  Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) are, and murders people at Taramia and Saidia…, and then his escape to Syria is facilitated? Where are your commanders? ” (al-Babeliya TV- February 14)

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 16, 2013