Iraqi Justice Minister visits Tehran to receive new orders for suppression



Camp Ashraf  military occupation – No.82

NCRI – The so-called Minister of Justice in Nouri al-Maliki’s cabinet, Hassan al-Shemeri, went to Tehran on Saturday.

The Iranian Resistance had previously revealed this trip (statement No. 72, Camp Ashraf Military Occupation, dated April 21) and said: It is planned for al-Shemeri to visit Tehran next week to receive his orders and directions and collect his paycheck for his services.


Since a week ago, a tram from the Iraqi Ministry of Justice has stayed in Tehran.

In other statements (Camp Ashraf Military Occupation, No. 46, and No. 47 dated April 13) the Iranian Resistance, based on reports from sources inside the Iranian regime, had announced that al-Shemeri, under the orders of the terrorist Qods Force, defended the April 8th slaughter at the Council of Ministers meeting on April 12 and called for killing of all Ashraf residents.

Al-Sharqia TV reported on Tuesday: “Intelligence sources in Baghdad said that a number of ministers with direct link to the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards, demanded that in exchange for Iran’s continuing support for some factions within the Iraqi government; they call for the deportation of PMOI members from Iraq and transfer the dossier from the Iraqi Council of Ministers to the Parliament, informed Sources in Baghdad said.”

According to the regime’s media, al-Shemeri revealed his concern about the Iranian Resistance’s international campaign to expose the Iraqi government’s crime. He said: The Iraqi government has made a firm decision to expel the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) from Iraq by the end of the year, however, “it should be noted that during the past years, PMOI has made contacts with many human rights organizations and this has resulted in some pressure being exerted against Iraq.”

In his absurdity, Al-Shemeri went so far as blaming Ashraf residents for the “dusts going from Iraq’s territory into Iran and polluting Iran’s air,” and added: “The areas from which the dust particles come to Iran were occupied by the PMOI and we hope that through expelling them by the end of the year, de-desertification in the area would take place to alleviate the Iranian citizens’ worries.” (Revolutionary Guards news agency, April 24)

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 24, 2011

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