Iraq is paving way for stealing property at Camp Ashraf after massacre

NCRI – To pave the way for stealing and plundering Camp Ashraf residents’ properties, Oday Khazran, governor of Khalis and a well-known agent of the terrorist Qods Force ludicrously stated: “All property in Ashraf Base was filtered and its value was deposited in PMOI’s account. This organization has no property in this base.”

In another falsification he added: “The power generating station and the water purification system belong to departments of electricity and water of Diyala province and the land of Ashraf belongs to Ministry of Finance… there are over 127 complaints against residents, some are civil suits and others relate to damages to the land since it is common knowledge that there are pieces of land that their owners exist. Moreover, there are farm lands or lands that permanently belong to some of the families of ‘Shoneif Tribe’.” (Shafaq news, affiliated with the clerical regime; al-Iraqiya state TV; and al-Hurra TV – September 12)

These fabrications clearly demonstrate intentions of Government of Iraq and Maliki himself to rid residents of their property and steal their possessions. Speaking of using Ashraf’s facilities, commander of Ashraf massacre Jamil al-Shemeri said: “This issue relates to the prime minister since he has personally overseen this relocation.” (Al-Gharbiyah TV)

These fabrications are while all buildings, facilities and routes in Ashraf have been built by the PMOI. When PMOI received Ashraf land in 1986, it was a piece of land without any facilities. Camp Ashraf’s water and electricity systems have also been completely built by the residents. According to an assessment by a British company that in September 2012 bought all movable and immovable property in Ashraf, the value of this property amounts to 550 million dollars. By threatening the life of British company’s representative in Iraq, the Iraqi government and security forces obstructed implementation of this contract. Ownership papers of residents are available.

Camp Ashraf’s land has nothing to do with peasants. This land that was handed over to PMOI in 1986 belonged to Ministry of Defense and the complaints referred to have been all written by the Qods Force and agents such as Khazran in recent years.

Despite all endeavors by residents and their representatives, the Iraqi government and forces have not allowed them to sell even one dollar of Ashraf property since the end of 2011.
The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary-General and the Security Council, the U.S. government, the European Union, and pertinent international bodies to prevent stealing of residents’ properties and ridding residents of their ownership by regimes of Iran and Iraq and to make possible sale of this property through Senator Torricelli who is residents’ legal representative.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 14, 2013

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