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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIraqi government's acknowledgement about killing PMOI members and a ludicrous lie

Iraqi government’s acknowledgement about killing PMOI members and a ludicrous lie

Forces représsives et assaillantes irakiennes à AchrafIranian opposition’s Camp Ashraf attacked – Statement 47

NCRI – In the third day of the attacks against Ashraf and after revelations about a part of the crimes committed by the Iraqi forces and clerical regime agents, the government of Iraq’s spokesman confessed last night and today that, “6 people were killed in the course of the violence in Camp Ashraf.” His remarks come after the Iraqi government’s continued denials about casualties.

Not only did the spokesman, Ali Dabbagh, fail to provide answers regarding the reason for committing such a horrendous crime, he shamelessly copied the Iranian religious dictatorship’s habit of turning the reality upside down and said, “An investigation has begun to look into how the 6 were killed. … Two of them have been struck in the back, which raises the possibility that they were killed by themselves [residents]” (The Associated Press, July 29, 2009).

Even though the Iraqi government seeks to diminish some of the public outrage against itself by trying to limit the scope of the crimes and by resorting to ludicrous lies in a bid to escape inevitable international and legal consequences, nonetheless even this confession gives further credence to the imperative of condemning the Iraqi government as well as the need for the assumption of the protection of Ashraf residents by American forces.

The ridiculous lie that the two victims were shot from behind is a rendition of claims made by al-Maliki’s political masters in the terrorist Qods Force, along with Ali Khamenei’s office and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, according to whom the victims of the Iranian people’s uprising in the months of June and July were killed by the people themselves.

If al-Maliki and Dabbagh are confident in the truth of their claims and if they truly dare to bring the results of their crimes to the attention of the world public opinion, then they should lift the ban on entry of journalists and human rights advocates to Ashraf so that the truth could set everyone free.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all reporters to question and pressure the Iraqi government to allow visits to Ashraf so that the facts could reveal themselves to the world as they are.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 30, 2009