Iraqi government prevents entry of three fuel tankers and cooling devices to Camp Ashraf

Iraqi government prevents entry of three fuel tankers and cooling devices to Camp Ashraf in the more than 50 degrees Celsius temperature

NCRI – The Iraqi Prime Ministry committee responsible for suppression of Ashraf residents and the Iraqi forces continue Ashraf’s siege and their suppressive measures at the behest of the Iranian regime. In the very recent case, they have prevented since June 12th entry of three fuel tankers as well as some air conditioners and other cooling devices that Ashraf residents have purchased at their own cost and with quite many difficulties. This is while Ashraf residents are in dire need of fuel and cooling devices in extremely hot temperature in summer. Currently, the temperature in Ashraf is in excess of 50 degrees Celsius in shade. At the same time, the Ashraf Committee continues the siege on Ashraf, which started more than 18 months ago, and prevents entry of most primary necessities of Ashraf residents in a bid to exert pressures on them.

On the other hand, Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) dispatched yesterday more of its agents under the guise of families of Ashraf residents from Iran to the camp’s gate to intensify its blatant and suppressive campaign against Ashraf residents that has been going on for 130 days.

The MOIS agents have assembled outside Camp Ashraf’s entry gate since February 8 2010. By using highly powerful and ear-splitting loudspeakers and enjoying full support of the Iraqi committee and armed forces, these agents threaten Ashraf residents with murder, massacre, and setting fire to the camp, which is considered a clear example of psychological torture according to most prominent jurists.

While emphasizing that the cruel siege on Ashraf is clear violation of International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law, the Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary General, UN Security Council, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Secretary General’s Special Representative for Iraq, UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), and the U.S. forces to take urgent steps to lift the siege on Ashraf in particular the prohibition of delivery of fuel and to end psychological torture of Ashraf residents.

Secretariat of National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 16, 2010

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