Iraqi government prevents entry of fuel into Camp Liberty



Iraqi government prevents entry of fuel into Camp Liberty and transport of injured and ill residents with vehicles, thereby creating another prison for them in Liberty Prison

NCRI – On Friday, March 23, after 4 hours of delay the Iraqi committee prevented the entry of fuel for vehicles in Camp Liberty. This action leaves ill residents, especially those suffering from bone pain and arthritis and those injured in the July 2009 and April 2011 attacks, being effectively imprisoned in their rooms. The entire vicinity of Camp Liberty is on mud roads and for those who are on wheelchairs or walking sticks, movement, including going to the dining hall and toilets, is very difficult. Preventing the entry of fuel removes the ability to run vehicles to transfer ill and injured residents and is an inhumane act meant to psychologically torture the residents of Camp Liberty and please the religious fascism ruling Iran.

The Iraqi government continuously violates the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding it has signed with the Special Representative of the Secretary General, and while the construction of concrete pavements in Liberty is a pressing humanitarian need of the residents, it does not allow them to build pavements in the camp at their own expense.

In another inhumane act which goes against the residents’ security, the Iraqi committee is preventing the entry of locks and locksmiths to Camp Liberty so that residents cannot lock their living and resting rooms to rest with peace of mind for several hours in this environment.

Despite the presence of UNAMI monitoring teams, the Iraqi government is blatantly violating its commitments and obligations to the international community.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 25, 2012

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