Iraqi Government imposes fuel ban on Camp Ashraf for second year

The Government of Iraq prevented a fuel tanker from entering Camp Ashraf on May 20 to deliver the fuel that had been purchased by the residents. Given the hot weather conditions in Iraq, the residents are facing sever fuel and electric power shortages.  The entry of the fuel tanker was denied despite the fact that, in the presence of representatives of United Nations,  a representative of GoI had already agreed with the entry.

Repeated contacts with the officials at the office of the United Nation Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and the U.S. embassy in Iraq to protest the denial of fuel entry by the GoI had no success.  The GoI told the UNAMI officials that the ban on entry of fuel continues as for the past two years no fuel had entered Camp Ashraf.
It is almost a month that the GoI, in an illegal move, prevents Camp Ashraf residents from entering the camp’s power generators station and falsely claims that the station including  all its power generators and facilities belong to the GoI.
The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations and the U.S. Government to make the GoI end the inhumane blockade of Camp Ashraf, pressures on the residents of Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty, and lift the ban on entry of essential items particularly fuel.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 22, 2012


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