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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIraqi government blocking supply of crucial security equipment to Camp Liberty

Iraqi government blocking supply of crucial security equipment to Camp Liberty

NCRI – The Government of Iraq is preventing the delivery of crucial security equipment to Camp Liberty residents with a series of absurd pretexts to justify the current highly dangerous conditions.

Fifty days after the missile attack on Liberty, despite repeated requests by the residents and their representatives to US, Iraqi and UN officials, and despite global calls from five continents, the Iraqi government is resorting to ridiculous excuses to oppose or in practice leave unanswered the calls for security measures needed in Camp Liberty.

This is while the US Embassy in Baghdad in its February 11 statement had warned US citizens that more attacks similar to the February 9 missile attack against Camp Liberty could be repeated at any moment.

The Iraqi government also announced on February 9 that it cannot prevent missile attacks against Camp Liberty (Associated Press – February 9).

In addition, elements of the terrorist Quds Force in Iraq announced they follow orders from Khamenei and will carry out harsher attacks against Liberty (reported by Asharq al-Awsat and al-Hayat dailies – February 24; Associated Press – February 26).

Since February 2012, and following the transfer of the first group of residents from Ashraf to Liberty, the Iraqi government began removing 17,500 T-walls which had been installed around the housing trailers in Liberty dating back to when US forces were stationed there, and therefore provided them with relative security.

The residents and their representatives had protested at the removal of T-walls from the very beginning. In dozens of letters, statements, daily reports and meetings they demanded T-walls remain in Liberty.

Following the February 9 missile barrage, almost daily, the residents have requested the T-walls be returned.

However, the Iraqi government representative has officially informed the residents time and again, and in the presence of UNAMI officials, including on March 27, that the Prime Minister’s office does not approve of the transfer of even one T-wall back to the camp.

According to UNAMI military experts, installing T-walls is the only means of lowering the number of casualties in the any further attacks.

The Iraqi Government is also preventing the admission of sandbags, shovels and picks, used to dig preliminary shelters. A large number of the sandbags purchased by the residents have been held at the camp’s entrance.

The Iraqi Government does not allow the transfer of residents’ helmets and protective vests and medical equipment from Ashraf to Liberty.

The residents’ repeated requests for construction and expansion of the camp to at least 2.5 square kilometers, which Martin Kobler himself had promised the residents’ representatives in Paris and had been mentioned dozens of times by the residents and their representatives after the February 9 attack, have been left unanswered.

It is obvious that the goal of the Iraqi Government in carrying out these measures is to inflict more casualties to the residents in the next likely attacks.

The Iraqi Government is hiding its villainous intentions behind absurd pretexts and lies, like the residents will use the sandbags and T-walls to block the roads within the camp; separate different parts of the camp; limit the residents commuting; or create barriers to prevent UNAMI monitors’ access to all parts of the camp.

Martin Kobler is also providing excuses for the Iraqi Government’s repressive behavior, including in his lie-riddled propaganda speech on the March 21, 2013, at the UN Security Council.

As a result, the residents must stay in housing trailers that have no protection, awaiting further attacks.

Kobler’s lies in legitimizing crimes against humanity and the violation of the PMOI’s rights is nothing new. Since the very beginning he has been paving the way for the Iraqi Government by spreading lies, like the residents have sabotaged the black water tanks in order for them to overflow and burst open. Or that they are scattering trash all around the camp; or that they have rubbed out their finger prints using sandpaper prior to fingerprinting.

Following the missile attack, only a small number of bunkers with thin walls have been delivered to Liberty. It is worth noting that the residents themselves have rented the cranes and flat-bed trucks, and these measures do not provide any security against missile attacks. However, continuous requests to transfer the residents’ cranes and flat-bed trucks from Ashraf to Camp Liberty to relocate these small bunkers have also fallen on deaf ears.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 30, 2013