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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIraqi forces’ provocative acts against Ashraf residents and harassment of residents

Iraqi forces’ provocative acts against Ashraf residents and harassment of residents


NCRI – By the order of the committee to suppress Ashraf residents in the Iraqi Prime Ministry, the suppressive Iraqi forces have resorted to provocative acts against Ashraf residents in a bid to prepare the grounds for intensifying pressure on and suppression of the residents. These measures are being carried out following the unsuccessful gathering of regime’s agents in southern flank of Ashraf on December 11.

On Sunday, December 19, Colonel Nazar and Captain Ahmed, two officers who are agents of the clerical regime in the forces under command of al-Maliki, while insulting and threatening Ashraf residents ordered their soldiers to break the projectors belonging to the residents and in the ensuing action one of the projectors was broken. Affiliation of these two agents with the terrorist Qods force and the Iranian regime has been formerly disclosed by the Iranian Resistance.

On December 13, the same officers, while insulting and threatening a group of residents, hurled stones at them and broke a telephone set belonging to one Ashraf resident by beating it to the ground.

In yet another sinister act, at midnight December 11, the Iraqi forces ruined a memorial at Ashraf cemetery (Pearl Memorial).

The abovementioned agents offer support and take care of all the needs of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) agents who have been psychologically torturing Ashraf residents for the past 11 months with 140 loudspeakers. To foment crisis and unrest, they continuously threaten and insult the residents wherever possible and destroy residents’ belongings.

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of UNAMI, the Special Representative of UN Secretary General for Iraq, and the U.S. forces in Iraq to these hostile acts against Ashraf residents and calls for immediate measures to prevent the continuation and expansion of psychological torture of the residents and destruction of their installations and property by the Iraqi forces.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 20, 2010