Iraqi forces impede transfer of wounded Camp Ashraf residents to hospital

Camp Ashraf military attack – No. 35

U.S. forces take no action in evacuating the wounded

NCRI – Iraqi suppressive forces and Omar Khalid, the head of the New Iraq Hospital, impede and obstruct transfer of those wounded during the April 8th attack on Camp Ashraf by Al-Maliki’s forces.  This is while some 250 residents who are mostly wounded by direct bullet hits or have been run over by the military vehicles must be urgently taken to the hospital.

Despite passage of 60 hours from the attack and numerous calls by Ashraf residents, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, and many international entities, the American forces have taken no actions whatsoever to assist in relocating the wounded or to send medical and surgical teams to Ashraf. This is while after two years of antihuman medical blockade of the camp, Ashraf residents have very little capability for attending to the wounded.

If these wounded residents are not urgently transferred to the American forces hospital, a number of them will be loss their life and the U.S. will be responsible for their deaths.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 10, 2011

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