Iraqi forces harass Camp Liberty residents by hampering sewage evacuation


NCRI – Since two weeks ago, Iraqi forces have been hampering evacuation of sewage from Camp Liberty. For example on Monday, January 22, sewage tankers- except for few- were prevented from leaving the camp. These are being carried out upon the order of Sadeq Mohammad Kazem aimed at harassing the residents.
Failure to evacuate sewage from black-water tanks has increased internal pressure and has caused new leakages from sewage tanks which are all corroded. Consequently, several parts of the camp are contaminated and are exposed to various types of diseases. Considering other limitations regarding camp’s infrastructure, this situation will entail dire consequences.

Residents’ appeals to UN monitors to resolve this problem has gone nowhere so far.
Should preventing evacuation of sewage continue, sewage tanks are likely to break apart and further areas will be contaminated. (Photos are attached)

The current condition of Liberty’s sewage system shows how fake and deceitful was the 31 January 2012 statement of Martin Kobler, Special Representative of the U.N. Secretary-General for Iraq, claiming that Liberty’s infrastructures meet “international standards”. He had announced in that statement, “The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the UNAMI Human Rights Office have now confirmed that the infrastructure and facilities at Camp Liberty are in accordance with the international humanitarian standards stipulated in the MoU.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 22, 2013

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