Iraqi forces harass Camp Liberty patients, impose new restriction

Behruz Rahimian, the camp resident who was slain due to obstruction made by Iraqi intelligence agentsNCRI – Iraqi forces at Camp Liberty  prevented interpreters from accompanying the patient residents while visiting Iraqi physician at the camp’s clinic On Wednesday, February 20.

Most of the patients in the camp are not familiar enough to English or Arabic languages to share their medical issues therefore they need interpreters to accompany them in their visits to doctors.

The suppressive measure by  Iraqi forces was implemented upon  the orders a committee in Iraqi Prime Ministry which is in charge of suppression of Camp Liberty residents.

This is while for the past year the residents have been accompanied by translators at the time of having visits at the clinic.
The representatives of residents and patients have asked UNAMI representatives and monitors to intervene to remove the new inhuman restriction. Unfortunately,  they took no serious measure in this regard.

The restrictive act is the continuation  of measures by the Government of Iraq to psychologically and physically torture Camp Liberty residents by denying them free access to medical services.

The restrictions on free access to medical care has been imposed by Government of Iraq  since early 2009 when GoI assumed the protection of Ashraf. So far, the restrictions has led to the death of a number of residents.

On December 23, 2012, Camp Liberty resident Behrooz Rahimian suffered from cardiac arrest. He passed away because the Iraq’s intelligence service prevented  him from being hospitalized.

Members the Iraqi Prime Ministry committee in charge of suppression of the residents, Iraqi intelligence agents at Camp Liberty and the Prime Minister himself, are responsible for the losses caused due to  the restrictions. They should be prosecuted for imposing inhuman restrictions including the restriction on accompanying translators.

UNAMI and Martin Kobler should also be held accountable for their silence on the inhuman siege and the losses caused due to it.

Iranian Resistance calls on UN High Commissioner for Refugees, UN Secretary-General and the U.S. government as the parties responsible for safety and security of residents, to immediately intervene to remove all inhumane restrictions on free access to medical service by residents of Camp Liberty.

Camp Liberty, located near Baghdad Airport houses thousands of members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) who were forcibly evicted from their 26 years home in Asharf.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 20, 2013    


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