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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIraqi forces bring in two TV crews from the Iranian regime

Iraqi forces bring in two TV crews from the Iranian regime

Iranian opposition's Camp Ashraf attacked – Statement 49

While journalists are banned from entering Ashraf, Iraqi forces bring in two TV crews from the Iranian regime

NCRI – This afternoon, Iraqi forces brought into Ashraf a number of agents from the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and terrorist Qods Force under the guise of reporters from Al-Alam and Press TV, the regime’s Arabic and English language channels.

The two TV stations, set up by the clerical regime’s MOIS and terrorist Qods Force are despised among journalists both in Iraq and European countries. They are viewed as the regime’s spies.

The people working in both stations are actually plainclothes agents and forces affiliated with the office of the mullahs’ Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, in Iran. According to eyewitnesses, Press TV reporters were seen among plainclothes agents attacking protestors in various locations.

The Iraqi forces have brought the two crews into Ashraf while even today a number of reporters, including those from AFP, CNN, and al-Arabiya, who had come to the gates of Ashraf, were barred from entering and sent back.

Reporters Without Borders today issued a statement in which it “condemned the Iraqi government’s decision to bar journalists from entering Ashraf,” and stressed that Iraqi forces “prevent the entry of journalists to Ashraf” after their July 28 attack against the camp.

The Iranian Resistance warns about the clerical regime’s intentions for sending its agents and spies from the terrorist Qods Force and MOIS to Camp Ashraf, and calls on American forces to prevent this from taking place.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 30, 2009