Iraqi forces attack Ashraf residents in support of Iranian regime’s agents

Iranian Resistance warns against mullahs’ plots and demands protection of Ashraf residents by the United Nations and guarantees of the United States

NCRI – On Thursday evening, at about 23:30 local time, in a failed attempt, Iraqi forces attacked Ashraf residents and tried to overtake some of installations inside the camp. The assault took place in support of the agents of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and the terrorist Quds Force stationed at the entrance of Ashraf for the past 66 days.

Iranian Resistance warns against mullahs’ plots and demands protection of Ashraf residents by the United Nations and guarantees of the United States

NCRI – On Thursday evening, at about 23:30 local time, in a failed attempt, Iraqi forces attacked Ashraf residents and tried to overtake some of installations inside the camp. The assault took place in support of the agents of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and the terrorist Quds Force stationed at the entrance of Ashraf for the past 66 days.

The agents, with full support of the Iraqi army battalion and the clerical regime’s embassy in Baghdad, have been psychologically torturing the residents of Ashraf.  Using high powered amplifiers and loudspeakers they have been threatening to “set fire” and “close down” Ashraf and “kill” PMOI members residing in the camp and to “pull their tongues out of their throats.” The agents have been disrupting peace for the camp residents. Video clips and pictures of these agents have been regularly provided to the international bodies as well as the American forces and relevant US authorities.

At about mid-night Thursday evening, while agents were screaming abusive rhetoric in their loudspeakers as did previous nights, an Iraqi colonel and a captain by the names of Ali and Jawad entered the camp and said that the loudspeakers by the Ashraf residents should be turned off under the orders of the Iraqi government to allow the voice of the loudspeakers of the regime agents be heard. In an attempt to neutralize the disturbing screaming of agents, Ashraf residents were playing music at some of the their buildings.

The Iraqi colonel threatened that if the residents’ loudspeakers were not turned off in 10 minutes, the Iraqi forces, under the orders of the government, would enter the camp and take over the buildings at the entrance of the camp by force. But the residents said that their music would be turned off provided that the agents turned off their loudspeakers that had been disturbing and depriving them from getting rest and sleep. The loudspeakers have been provided by the Iraqi forces to the agents. The Iraqi forces brazenly said that the government had ordered that the agents are free to say anything they want on their loudspeakers but the residents of Ashraf are not allowed to do the same… In the meantime a large number of Iraqi forces and at least five Humvee military vehicles were deployed at the entrance of the camp.

When the Iraqi forces faced with Ashraf residents’ defiance who refused to give in to their intimidation and unlawful behavior and threats to shoot and kill, they started attacking the residents with electric batons and iron bars. Five Ashraf residents were wounded in the attack. Their names are: Karim Gomasai, Mehdi Abdulrahimi, Azim Mish Mast, Rahim Sohrabi and Khaled Shah Karami. They were taken to hospital for treatment.

The Iraqi suppressive forces also attacked a woman resident of Ashraf in a bid to take her hostage, but failed when faced with her resistance and protests by other residents. The assailant forces were trying to take some residents hostage as they did in their attacks last July but they failed. At around 3:00 a.m. this morning, the suppressive forces who had entered the camp with their truncheons and batons were forced out as a result of protests by the residents.

The Iranian Resistance reiterates that the events of last night showed once again that the Iranian regime and the Iraqi government are determined to suppress and destroy Ashraf and draws the attention of the United Nations Secretary General, Special Representative of the Secretary General for Iraq and the US officials and military commanders to the ongoing tragedy in Ashraf. It also strongly demands the United Nations to assume protection of Ashraf residents and calls on the US forces to guarantee the protection as it had committed itself to at the time when it disarmed the residents.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 16, 2010

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