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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIraqi colonel cooperates with the Iranian Intelligence Ministry against residents in...

Iraqi colonel cooperates with the Iranian Intelligence Ministry against residents in Ashraf

On Thursday September 20, while the last residents of Camp Ashraf were loading up their remaining belongings in lorries for transfer to Camp Liberty, an Iraqi colonel in an unprecedented and despicable attempt, approached one of the Camp residents on five different occasions to relay a message from the mullahs’ intelligence.

The message was, on the other hand, the same  every time; if the resident agreed to separate from the the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran  (PMOI) and surrender to Iraqi forces, he would then be supported by the Iranian Embassy in Baghdad and join his mother and brother who were  taken to Baghdad for the same reason,  to  return to Iran without any threat of reprisal.  In this regard, the Iraqi colonel stressed that if the resident agrees to surrender to the mullahs, he would personally transfer him from Ashraf to the Iranian Embassy in Baghdad.
This resident reported the details of the incident  including the names and date and time to UNAMI for investigation in order to detect  the true mission of the Iraqi officers in Ashraf.  The resident said to the UN monitors that if it  was not  for the  PMOI’s insistence  on  keeping clam in Ashraf, he would have responded appropriately to the Iraqi officer.
 In yet another incident on September 16, during the transfer of the seventh  convoy from Ashraf to Liberty, two  Iraqi officers in close cooperation with the terrorist  Qods Force attempted to   abduct 10 Ashraf residents  while beating and injuring them.   This incident has yet to be investigated by the UNAMI.
The UN should not allow the Iraqi officers and forces in Ashraf and Liberty to act as agents of the religious fascism ruling Iran against Iranian refugees and resistance movement.
Iranian resistance condemns in strongest possible terms this conduct which sets a dangerous precedent and urges the US and the UN to prevent Iraqi government  from using its officers for relaying messages of the Iranian Intelligence Ministry and taking such measures.  
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 21, 2012