Iraqi agents continue to suppress Iranian opposition in Camp Liberty


Iranian resistance calls for removal from Camp Liberty of suppressive Iraqi agents who are under command of the Iranian regime’s terrorist Quds Force

NCRI – At the behest of the Iranian regime Iraqi agents, who have been directly involved in three massacres of Iranians in Camp Ashraf, continue with their hostility and harassment at Camp Liberty. These agents receive many of their orders directly from the Iranian regime’s terrorist Quds Force.

On Sunday, October 26, Captain Haidar Azab, a well-known Iraqi agent who had a direct role in the July 2009, April 2011 and September 2013 massacres of Iranians in Camp Ashraf, attempted to raise tensions and instigate a clash with the residents.

To do so, he went to a police position in the western flank of the camp and intended to enter the camp from there. A number of residents who were worried about his presence disputed his entry and demanded that he leave the camp. Haidar Azab pointed a gun at the residents and threatened them. He also resorted to taking pictures and filming the residents.

In addition to the three massacres, Haidar Azab who has had a direct role in organizing and commanding other attacks against residents while in Camp Ashraf, as well as in imposing an anti-human siege on Ashraf and Camp Liberty, has been summoned by a National Court of Spain for crimes against the international community. Presently, together with Major Ahmed Khozair, he is one of the main agents responsible for imposing prison-like conditions on Camp Liberty and in stonewalling residents’ access to medical services and basic living needs.

The Iranian Resistance warns that these agents’ provocative measures pave the way for further suppressive measures against Camp Liberty residents.

The Iranian Resistance calls for the immediate intervention of the United States and the United Nations. Regarding the security and well-being of Camp Liberty residents, they have made repeated written commitments to end the suppressive and provoking measures taken against the residents by removing (from Camp Liberty) the Iraqi agents who receive their orders from the Quds Force.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 27, 2014

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