Iraqi agents continue to obstruct burial of Iranian dissident who died 70 days ago


NCRI – Agents under the command of Iraq’s National Security Advisor Faleh Fayyad continue to prevent the handover of the body of Mr. Ali Salari and his burial. The administrative and legal processes have been completed, but the stonewalling by Iraqi agents has prevented the burial up till now. Ali Salari lost his life 70 days ago due to the medical blockade imposed on this refugee camp by the Iraqi elements of the Iranian regime. This is a camp of Iranians opposed to the Iranian regime.

Refusing to handover the bodies of the martyrs or preventing their burial and memorial ceremonies is a well-known method employed by the religious fascism ruling Iran that is now being implemented through its Iraqi agents against the Iranian dissidents residing in Iraq.

Ali Salari is the 24th resident of camps Ashraf and Liberty that have been martyred by the medical blockade. In the past 70 days, Camp Liberty residents, as well as their representatives and legal advisors and lawyers, have referred 65 times to the police center in Liberty to receive Ali Salari’s body. They have also brought up the issue with UNAMI, UNHCR and the U.S. Embassy in dozens of calls and meetings and hundreds of correspondences to no avail.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United States, the UN Secretary-General and his Special Representative in Iraq, and all human rights organizations to take immediate steps to end this anti-human and illegal behavior by the Iraqi agents and to have the body of Mr. Salari handed over to be buried.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 15, 2015

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