Iraq – URGENT : Camp Liberty Iranians suffer from heat stroke | Breaking News

As Camp Liberty electricity is cut off and air-conditioners stop working many residents suffer from heat stroke

Iraqi forces prevent transfer of six patients, including a cancer patient, to the hospital

On Monday, August 25, a number of residents, including a group of women, suffered heat stroke and were taken to camp’s Iraqi clinic in dire conditions. After two weeks of preventing entry of fuel, many of the generators that produce electricity have come to a standstill and the air-conditioners have stopped working. In such conditions, in the extreme heat of Iraq, living in metal containers is unbearable and everyday there are residents who suffer heat stroke.

On the same day (August 25), Government of Iraq prevented transfer of five patients to the hospital and they missed their medical appointments that they had made a long time ago. They should now wait for another appointment. Similarly, on Sunday, August 24, government of Iraq obstructed the transfer of a cancer patient that was to undergo surgery.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations and the U.S. government who are responsible for the health and security of residents to take immediate measures to end this anti-human siege.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 26, 2014

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