Iraq: Sham judicial decree against (PMOI/MEK) to pay $450M dinars in compensation for Ashraf land

NCRI – Following the visit to Iraq by the Iranian regime’s Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi, and as the clerical regime’s sham presidential election draws closer, a judge in the Iraqi town of Khalis, named Vamiz, has been ordered by the Iranian regime and the Iraqi government to issue decree, ordering the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) to pay a 450 million dinars as compensation for the land Camp Ashraf is built on, to settle a series of fabricated and preposterous claims filed by the agents of the Iranian regime.

The decree which has been triggered because of this litigation was issued despite the fact that when asked by the court, Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has refused to recognize the legal standing of the PMOI in Iraq, a party to the litigation that must pay the compensation.

At the same time, the Office of State Properties acknowledged in an official document – the list of State Properties in Iraq’s Ministry of Finance – that the Ministry of Defense had been the proprietor of Camp Ashraf.

The PMOI took possession of Camp Ashraf from Iraq’s Ministry of Defense in 1986. The land in question had been in control of the Ministry of Defense 12 years before the arrival of the MEK in that country. The land did not have any private plaintiff and the Ministry of Defense and relevant offices in Diyala Province have all the relevant documents.

Uday Khadran, the Governor of Khalis and a notorious agent of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards’ terrorist Qods Force, is the main party behind this sham litigation. The Iranian resistance and the International Committee of Jurists in Defense of Ashraf have already exposed his ties to the Iranian regime. Interestingly, the PMOI representatives have never been allowed to appear in this court and prevented from consulting with their Iraqi lawyer even once!

The letter by the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the President of the Appeals Court in Diyala Province and the document of the Office of State Properties indicating that Camp Ashraf has been allocated to the Ministry of Defense are enclosed.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 27, 2013

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