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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIraq: On Hadi al-Ameri’s order Camp Ashraf electric transformers are stolen

Iraq: On Hadi al-Ameri’s order Camp Ashraf electric transformers are stolen

ashraf-transormersNCRI – Upon orders by Hadi Ameri, the head of the terrorist Badr Organization (9 Badr) electric transformers at Camp Ashraf were stolen by Oday Khazran, an agent of the Iranian regime’s terrorist Quds Force in Iraq.

Photos received shows the transformers purchased by the Iranian residents of the camp while being loaded onto flatbed trucks.

Oday Khazran, who has killed, imprisoned or made homeless a great number of the locals in the town of al-Khalis and vicinity, was appointed Governor of Khalis by Nouri al-Maliki through active intervention by the Iranian regime’s Quds Force.

According to a joint plan by UNAMI and the U.S. Embassy on September 5, 2013 for the transfer of the last group of Ashraf residents to Camp Liberty, “The GOI shall safeguard and guarantee all Ashraf property” and “The GOI shall allow the residents to sell their property at any time”.

Furthermore, the next day (September 6), Ms. Elizabeth Jones, then-U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, wrote in a letter to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi that if the residents concur with the above plan, “The United Nations will help facilitate the safeguarding of the property at [Camp Ashraf] through your retention of a trusted local security firm. The U.S. Embassy will do its utmost to support these efforts.”

However, during the past year, not only has the Iraqi government obstructed the implementation of all these obligations, but despite repeated and explicit commitments by the United Nations and the United States, the property in Ashraf has been the subject of plundering and theft by Nouri al-Maliki, the terrorist groups affiliated with him, and the government organs.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 10, 2014