Iraq: Maliki’s agents block food supplies and access to medical care to Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty



The Iraqi Government of Nouri al-Maliki is intensifying pressure and blockades on the Iranian opposition members in Camp Liberty, recognized as asylum seekers, by blocking the entry of food to the camp, preventing the emptying of backwater tanks and denying residents access to free medical care.

Iraqi Major Ahmed Khozair, who is actively involved in the suppression of Iranian opposition members in the camp, has held up two truckloads of food outside the Camp Liberty to prevent its delivery.

Camp Liberty lacks adequate infrastructure for housing thousands of residents who live in temporary housing trailers. The camp does not have enough storehouses, storage freezers, and other essential facilities for storing food.

Preventing the entry of foodstuff represents physical and psychological torture for residents of Camp Liberty, who are recognized as asylum seekers.

Major Khozair also uses various pretexts to prevent sewage tankers from entering Camp Liberty to empty black-water tanks, which causes serious hygiene problems for the residents and the outbreak of multiple diseases.

On March 6, intelligence agents affiliated with the Iraq Prime Ministry prevented four patients from going to the hospital, after the camp’s Iraqi doctor had prescribed that needed to be visited by a specialist physician in Baghdad.

This inhumane siege is in breach of many international covenants and therefore prosecutable by international bodies.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations and the U.S. government to implement their written and repeated commitments made regarding the health and security of Camp Liberty residents and to resort to immediate steps to end this criminal siege and remove the criminal elements such as Ahmed Khozair from Camp Liberty.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 6, 2014

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