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Iraq: Maliki continuously relocates Camp Ashraf hostages to clear traces, Quds Force agent interrogate them

NCRI – According to information obtained from inside the Iranian regime, the seven residents of Camp Ashraf taken hostage by Iraqi forces are still being held in Baghdad Green Zone by Nouri al-Maliki’s Special Forces.

Maliki and his security advisor Faleh al-Fayyaz continuously relocate the hostages in a bid to clear their trace so that once their imprisonment location is disclosed and the UN wants to visit them, the hostages have already been displaced.

By doing so, they intend to distort the reality and give the impression that the hostages are not held by the Iraqi government. The hostages are relocated in governmental vehicles, GMCs with tinted windows.

No one other than agents affiliated to the Prime Ministry and Faleh Fayyaz are allowed to go to the sites where the hostages are kept.

Some agents from the Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad affiliated to the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and Quds Force have also movements to these locations to guide Maliki’s interrogators and torturers.

On Monday, September 30, a Quds Force agent interrogated the hostages. He threatened and pressured them to return to Iran. He told them that they would have no problem in returning to Iran. He has also threatened the hostages that if they refuse to go back to Iran, the government of Iraq would extradite them or they would be sentenced to long-term imprisonments in Iraqi courts.

In order to assist the torturers in interrogating the hostages, the MOIS and embassy have dispatched some of their agents as well as individuals who had previously left the PMOI and hired by the MOIS.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, said in her speech at the Parliamentary Assembly of European Council on September 30, “Maliki and his Security Advisor Faleh Fayadh plan to create their own scenarios by denying their responsibility in the mass execution of Ashraf residents, refuting the attack took place at all, and denying the hostage-taking…The UN and the U.S. know quite well that the attack on Ashraf was carried out by Maliki and that the hostages are also in his hands. We have given them precise information and details in this regard. Undoubtedly, if they were willing to, if they actually lived up to their repeated and constant commitments to the safety and security of the residents according to the same Memorandum of Understanding of December 25, 2011 that they keep referring to, and if they were to hold Maliki accountable and obligate him to fulfill his international commitments, the hostages would be expeditiously released or will be handed over to a European country.”

Taher Boumedra, UNAMI advisor on Camp Ashraf from 2009 to 2012, stated in a testimony at the UN headquarters in Geneva on September 19, 2013: “There is no way for [UNAMI and] the American embassy not to know where they are… When the 36 in 2009 were taken from Al-Khalis they disappeared and I followed them where they were. They were in Baghdad in the Green Zone 50 meters away from UNAMI headquarters also 50 meters from Iraqi Presidency in a building with a label on it ‘High Council of National Education’ and the National Education was used as a secret prison. I went to visit them in the presence of the Iraqi security officers. I told them now you are my neighbors and I will visit you every day. Next day I went to visit them they were removed.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 2, 2013