Iraq – Iranian opposition: Iraqi committee for suppression of Ashraf bans entry of food supplies

Camp Ashraf, Iraq


Camp Ashraf, IraqIranian regime’s Intelligence Ministry sends families of Ashraf residents to Camp Ashraf where they are prevented entry by Iraqis

Iraqi committee for suppression of Ashraf has begun banning entry of food supplies to the camp since last night

Statement no. 2

NCRI – Prior to the expected nationwide uprising of the Iranian people on February 11, the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and the Iraqi committee in charge of suppression of Ashraf have once again resorted to repulsive and recurring theatrics to instigate crises against Ashraf and suppress its residents.

After a number of families of Ashraf residents were sent to Iraq by the regime’s MOIS, the aforementioned Iraqi committee refused to grant them entry into the camp and has since last night prevented delivery of food supplies to the residents. The committee’s officials explicitly admit that the pressures aim to force Ashraf residents to meet with their families sent by the MOIS outside camp premises. They have said the entry of food is contingent on the residents’ acquiescence to fulfill this demand.

Over the past three days, there have been multiple requests made to the Iraqi forces in control of the main entrance of the camp to open the gates and allow the families to come in to visit their loved ones. But Iraqi forces reply that the committee has ordered that the families must not enter Ashraf under any circumstances.

The committee has brought reporters from media outlets affiliated with the Iranian regime and the state-run al-Iraqiya TV to Ashraf’s main gate to manufacture a deceptive scheme meant to portray that Ashraf residents are refusing to let the families in. Moreover, a number of armed Iraqi forces entered the camp through the main gate and insulted and threatened residents who protested their entry.

Since Monday, February 8, a number of families transferred to Iraq by the MOIS were taken from Baghdad to just outside Camp Ashraf. Their loved ones residing in Ashraf declared to UNAMI that despite the suppressive objectives of the MOIS and the Iraqi committee they would like to meet with their families, as was done from 2003 to 2008, in their own places of residence in Ashraf.

The new MOIS plot takes place while a large number of families of Ashraf residents have been placed under torture and put on trial on charges of “moharebeh” (waging war against God), with some given heavy prison terms, for visiting Ashraf.

Spain’s national court has begun an investigation against Iraqi officials on charges of crimes against humanity during an attack against Camp Ashraf on July 28 and 29, which was in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The unjust siege on Ashraf and the suppression committee are also in blatant violation of international conventions, particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention, and subject to international investigations.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Iraq, UNAMI, and all human rights organizations and authorities, as well as the US ambassador and the commander of American forces in Iraq, to adopt urgent measures to lift the inhumane siege placed on Camp Ashraf, which violates the fundamental rights of the residents.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 10, 2010

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