IRAQ: Iran regime intelligence hirelings taken to Camp Liberty police station


This measure has been carried out in two consecutive weeks by mullahs’ regime embassy and agents of Iraqi suppressive Committee

NCRI – On Tuesday, 21 April 2015, for the second consecutive week, agents of the Iraqi Committee tasked to suppress Ashraf took a number of agents of Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and the terrorist Qods Force to the police station of Camp Liberty under the pretext of camp residents’ families. These agents whose travel to and residence in Iraq have been organized by regime’s embassy in Baghdad had to go through several checkpoints to get to Camp Liberty that could have only been managed through the assistance of Iraqi security forces.

According to reports from inside the regime, most of the individuals in the group transferred to Liberty yesterday are relatives of a known MOIS agent called Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad, including his daughter Azar (Mona) Hossein-Nejad and her husband Mohammad Farajian, Elnaz Hossein-Nejad, and another female relative.

In the months prior to the September 1, 2013 massacre in Ashraf, Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad went to Ashraf many times with the Iraqi officers. Including, as stated in the communiqué by the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), this mercenary, along with eight other hirelings, went to Ashraf on 24 September 2012 and “In Laleh Square within Ashraf with the help of Iraqi forces where they started pelting rocks at residents. During this assault one of the residents, Hassan Jabbari, suffered injuries on his head and neck” (see attached photo). Hassan Jabbari was among the 52 members of People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) that were martyred in the September 1 massacre in Ashraf.

Mullahs’ intelligence used this mercenary for psychological torture and to separate his daughter Zeinab from PMOI members who resided in Camp Liberty. On 21 October 2012, she wrote in a letter to the Secretary-General, UNAMI and UNHCR: On October 17, I was called to refer to UNHCR for an interview because of the lies by Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad; “he has claimed that his daughter ‘Zeinab Hossein Nejad’, i.e. me, has been taken hostage by the PMOI… In my private interview with UNHCR, I underscored that … these are the very same false allegations made by notorious intelligence service of the dictator regime ruling Iran… since he has now become a hireling of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence, I absolutely shall never accept even his phone call for the rest of my life.”

In another letter dated 12 January 2015 to the UNHCR, PMOI member Zeinab Hossein-Nejad wrote: Since the time that “My father… sold himself to the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS)… I have been subjected to a psychological torture… My father has also taken in his employ my sister who is living in Iran in a bid to harass me assisted by the mullahs’ MOIS. One of the measures MOIS is doing by manipulating my sister, Azar Hosseinnejad, or in her name is to post some articles against me or the PMOI on the MOIS websites.” She adds: “I was very surprise in winter 2013 my sister had come to the police station at Liberty and wanted to see me. It was very strange because no families were allowed to come to Liberty or even to its front gate… On the other hand, my sister was never ready to come to Baghdad or Ashraf…. it was very suspicious.

Despite it seemed very dubious, I went to see her at the police station, but I found out that in that short interval from the time I was informed till I went to see her, she had been taken from the police station. There I became sure that sending her to Liberty was part of the MOIS plot against me and the PMOI.”

The presence of Qods Force and MOIS hirelings is a blatant violation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the United Nations and the Government of Iraq on 25 December 2011 and an unquestionable breach of the International Refugee Law and the Convention Against Torture, as well as many other international conventions. Prior to the transfer of the first group of resident from Ashraf to Camp Liberty, the Special Representative of Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG) wrote in an official letter to the residents on 15 February 2012: “In respect to your concerns on the presence of any foreign presence inside Camp Liberty, the GoI has assured us that there will be no foreign presence inside Camp Liberty.”

On 15 October 2012, pursuant to the protest letter by Liberty residents’ representative concerning the transfer of regime’s hirelings in Camp Liberty, Deputy SRSG wrote: “They [Iraqi authorities] categorically denied that… Further, I can assure you with absolute certainty that UNSMI is not ferrying anybody to Camp Liberty under any guise.”
The Iranian Resistance warns of the fresh presence of these hirelings around Camp Liberty and staging another psychological torture that prepares the ground for a new bloodbath in Liberty. Reminding of the repeated and written commitments by the U.S. government and the United Nations for the security and wellbeing of Camp Liberty residents, it calls for immediate measures to prevent any movement by the Iranian regime and its proxies and hirelings around Camp Liberty under whatever pretext.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran – Paris
April 22, 2015

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