Iraq intensifies harassment of Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty

In an anti-human measure on Sunday and Monday, February 2 and 3, the suppressive Iraqi forces under command of Nouri al-Maliki prevented Iraqi sewage tankers from entering the camp to drain the black water tanks and sent away all of them.

Presently, the camp is facing an acute problem regarding drainage of black water tanks. With the overflow of these tanks or their rupture, sewage will pollute the camp which would cause breakout of dangerous diseases.

Since January 9, 2014, Sadeq Mohammed Kadhim and Ahmed Khozair who have both played an active role in the massacre of Camp Ashraf residents have escalated the siege and pressures on camp residents, including restricting drainage of black water tanks and entry of fuel to the camp.

Ahmed Khozair has ordered that at any time just two vehicles may drain the sewage tanks while previously there were five tankers allocated to this job.

In the meantime, hampering entry of fuel will soon severely aggravate the shortage of electricity.

In yet another development, on February 2, upon orders from Ahmed Khozair, the ambulance that was taking the patients was delayed for 1.5 hours which resulted in some patients missing their medical appointments.

Moreover, a Prime Ministry element that in breach of the agreements accompanies the patients to the hospital in Baghdad has harassed the patients and interfered in their medical affairs and introduced restrictions for them. In an anti-human act, he prevented a patient from having a medical lab test and barred another patient from purchasing the medication that had been ordered by the physician.

The Iranian Resistance warns of the provocative and dangerous measures implemented by elements such as Ahmed Khozair and calls on the United Nations and the United States – that have numerously committed themselves in writing to the safety and security of Camp Liberty residents- to adopt all measures necessary to end this criminal blockade and have elements such as Ahmed Khozair removed from the camp.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 4, 2014


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