Iraq intends to plunder Camp Ashraf’s water and electricity facilities and utilities vehicles



NCRI – At the behest of Iranian regime, the Government of Iraq (GOI) plans to plunder utility vehicles, facilities and equipments of the water and electricity networks of Camp Ashraf.

A committee has been formed in the Bureau of Water of  Diyala province to fabricate documents and falsely claim that these properties of Camp Ashraf residents including water tankers belong to the GOI and prevent their transfer to Liberty.


According to the available documents, Camp Ashraf  residents have spent over 15 millions of dollars for building two pumping stations in Zarganieh (30 km west of Ashraf) and Marfo (6 km east of Ashraf), and the water supply networks that provide water for the camp. In addition,  millions of dollars more has been spent on the camp’s water supply network  including piping network, water tanker and other facilities and equipments. The documents for the purchases and expenditures are available.

The GoI is also preventing the transfer of six 1MWatts power generators, which Camp Ashraf has purchased and installed in the camp’s power generators station. The Bureau of  Power in Diyala falsely claims that the generators belong to GoI.  It has been while that the Iraqi forces do not allow Camp Ashraf engineers enter the power generators station. The construction of the station and purchase of power generators has cost over 10 millions of dollars and has been paid by the residents. In addition, the residents have paid more than 2 millions of dollars for connecting Camp Ashraf to the electricity network of city of Khalis.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations and the US Government to condemn these measures strongly that are flagrant violations of Ashraf residents’ right to property and ensure the residents’ rights to their fixed and movable assets are fully respected and be able to transfer or sell their properties without any restrictions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 11, 2012

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